Wednesday 11 December 2013

Your Behaviour, Your Life

Have you ever given how you contribute to the "type" of people that come into your life and those who choose to stay it a good thought?
Many people say its all on providence and fate; but on the contrary, you have so much role to play in it. It starts from your interest, wishes, and then your decisions. Where you go, people you surround yourself with, people you give your time to and your reaction to the behaviors people exhibit to you. All these matter along with your individual actions.
Personal actions and decisions definitely influences your future end-point. In other words, a good, responsible life doesn't come by chance.
If after thinking  about your life, relationship and probable future; and you don't like where you are in life, move on. You are not a tree.

Bottom line: Life is simple and the flow "garbage in garbage out" also applies.

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