Thursday 19 December 2013

Why Girls Don't Go For Nice Guys

Girls Prefer..
1. Predictable: The thing about nice guys is that after a while, you know exactly what they're going to do, how they'll react and how they'll handle things. This is wonderful if you're looking for stability and maturity but if you want a guy with an attitude that keeps you guessing, this isn't going to work.
2. Nothing Broken: A relationship should be even but unfortunately, a lot of women like the idea of a guy they can fix. Nice guys pretty much come out of the box with very little to fix and they usually end up fixing you too (so if you're not looking to be the one to improve, you'll probably get over this kind of relationship in a hurry!)
3. Doormat Syndrome: A gentleman is harder to find these days because a lot of the men out there are missing the gentleness and a lot of the gentle guys never learned to man up! Nice guys often have a problem where they let people walk all over them, including you.
4. Self-Esteem: Some nice guys have trouble asserting themselves which makes them come off shy. Men find a lot of value in being respected and recognized but if your guy is the kind that usually gets passed over, he might have a few insecurities he hasn't dealt with yet.
Can you see the look on her face?
5. Bed Time: Popular opinions have it that "nice guys finish last" could mean a very satisfying time in the bedroom for you both. However, if he's too timid, you might end up being the one who has to do all the work and that just might kill the mood.
6. Physical Attraction: Sorry to say it fellas, but some girls have trouble seeing the relationship potential if a guy is too shy and never makes his intentions clear. If a guy is too nice and never asserts his interest, it's really easy to put him in the dreaded Friend Zone.
7. On a Pedestal: Women do like to be treated with respect but the kind that is earned with time and getting to know them. By placing her on too high of a pedestal, you're saying you hold her to a nearly impossible standard and she'll always fear messing that up.
8. Nice Doesn't Always Equal Good: Remember, just because he's well-mannered, it doesn't mean he's a good catch. He could be the most polite guy in the world but that doesn't mean he's a good match for you and your life.
9. Commitment: When a girl dates a nice guy, she naturally starts to see him as a potential match. If a girl isn't ready to settle down, she might avoid dating a guy like this in fear of having to commit.
10. Finish Last: A nice guy will give you predictability, stability and he'll keep you nice. Some girls just can't handle that, they don't want to settle down so if that sounds too boring to you, just make sure you're not the kind of girl who always complains about being treated badly by the men in her life after you get what you asked for.

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