Sunday 15 December 2013

Tribute to Mandela

Mandela, judging from all the descriptions, was clearly a great person, a hero, a role model. Many of the tributes are about his character, his moral standing. Typically it is said that he was a superb reconciler, largely because he was so good at forgiving. These virtues are associated with his patience and his ability to empathize with his opponents. This side of his character is shared by many others. 

He combined this with a strong, determined commitment to the cause he believed in. Of course the tributes would not have been so glowing if his cause had been contentious; but today, even the British Conservative Party, which in the past did so much to condemn him as a terrorist, accepts that his cause was a morally good one.His humility could be seen for itself – for example in the way he submitted to the divorce court.

Others may reconcile and forgive, but rarely does someone with so much cause to be bitter and angry, so many memories of cruelty and mistreatment, put aside all desire for revenge and work so effectively for reconciliation and the common good.To achieve such virtues in such difficult circumstances does not come easily.
Finally laid to rest. It now left to us..

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