Friday 13 December 2013


1.       When you live in past memories more than the present. If the story you tell in recent times have changed for worse and that makes you resort to memories, then you have to wake up and enjoy the present.  Only the dead lives in the past.
2.       When the relationship brings more pain than joy. If there is so much discord and aches, to the extent that you can’t remember the recent time you were happy because of your relationship; you need stop hurting yourself.
3.       When he/she expects you to change. Someone expecting you to change is simply not happy to have the present ‘you’. Relationships aren’t "compulsory rehabs".  
4.       When you stay on expecting he/she will change. If you realize you keep hoping, waiting and praying for your partner to change, it’s like you are waiting for a dead flower in your flower vase to blossom again. You can't change people. Only people can change themselves.
5.       When you keep justifying his/her actions to yourself. This is a pitiful state because not only are you devaluing yourself, you are destroying your self-esteem hereby causing psychological damage on yourself.
6.       When he/she is causing you emotional/physical/verbal hurt. Relationships should bring happiness and joy not inflicting pain (except you are a masachist). This shouldn’t and mustn’t be.
7.       When the same situation or issue reoccurs even though you tried addressing it. A partner who makes the same mistake over and over is simply taking advantage of you because that mistake isn’t a mistake but an intentional spite.
8.       When he/she puts little to no effort in the relationship. Whoever dearly wants something would make much effort to acquire it and maintain it. If your partner puts effort to get and maintain cars, house, business/career, sport fun, fashion and other friends, why not the relationship?
9.       When your fundamental values and beliefs are different. This should be one of the first checks before going into a mature, long lasting relationship. When the basic values differ, it’s like the foundation has been wrongly set and you know the building can’t stand.
10.   When the relationship holds you back; hence preventing you from growing as individuals. Relationship should promote and propel you, not pull you back from personal growth and development.
11.   When you stay on expecting things to get better. If you keep expecting things to get better for too long and it hasn’t, it could be because the two of you are wrongly paired.
12.   When neither of you feels the same way about each other. It is important for the ‘feelings’ of the two people in a relationship to be mutual and on same page. Thus promoting understanding and cordiality. If not, fix it either by talking about it or getting someone who is.
Sometimes, dumping it all and opening a new page is the best thing you can and should do. Take good caution while deciding and ensure these ‘pre-break up’ signs you noticed aren’t caused by legitimate reasons which in effect could make them invalid.
N.B. This is for unmarried couples only. Takes more than these to leave a someone you married.

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