Friday 13 December 2013

6 Ways Ladies turn OFF Their Man

1. Sealing up your thoughts and instincts: Some women avoid communicating and expressing their feelings and thoughts. They expecting men to read their minds and guess their thoughts, which is not always possible. And when they fail they receive the cold shoulder for not playing the guessing game right. Nothing is more annoying for men then a woman who will just not say what she wants but expect you to read the 'signs'.

2. Assuming he knows your playbook: Another thing that really gets to men is some women assuming that men know what they want them to do. Saying one thing and doing just the opposite just confuses things even more for men. So, play it straight and just speak up, it leaves no room for miscommunication or misunderstandings.

3. Playing the 'spot the error' game: Some women equate men with being dumb, and that gets to men eventually...with time. Everyone makes mistakes, therefore, there is no need to constantly rub it in. It only makes you a nag when you are persistent on mistakes and can be really annoying.

4. Smothering him with too much attention: You need to remember that your guy has a mother and there is no need for you to play "mother superior". The key word here is "TOO" much attention; not saying you should give zero attention - else you'll lose him.
It's okay to comfort and be there for him, don't treat him like a child and smother to such an extent that it starts bugging him. You call him baby doesn't mean he is literally one.
5. Sharing too much information: Most men are not always comfortable talking about their problems, unlike some women who would go overboard sharing every minute detail with everyone in sight. Learn to exercise caution, and don't overshare. Learn to keep things to yourself at times, especially something that someone else shared with you in private. It will build trust and also encourage the guy to open up more.
Also, if you have just got to know the guy, there is no need to share every little detail with him. Learn to keep somethings to yourself and share only what is necessary.
6. Planning the future way ahead of time: Planning ahead is good and smart but learn to also live in the moment. While planning what to do on your birthday is okay, planning what you will do in your 50th anniversary while you are still dating will only freak the guy out. Learn to take small steps and enjoy the moment rather that fastfoward with an over active imagination. It would only leave your partner confused and spooked.

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