Thursday 12 December 2013

Michelle Obama Shows Us How It’s Done; Without Words

Yes you might have seen the “selfie” pictures President Obama, David Cameron, and the Prime Minister of Denmark, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, took at Nelson Mandela’s memorial service on Tuesday. Noted also was First lady Michelle Obama who showed some displeasure through her body language. Many have taken up the subject asking why the three leaders chose to act “children cheesy” at an important event, but let’s see Michelle do her thing in pictures.
1. Watch him closely to see how he relates. Make sure to read his every move..
2. Sound your warning and leave him and the enemy in shock..
3.If he gets the hint let him be in peace, but if he forgets the rules as fast..
 4. Let him enjoy the final moments then strike..
5. Occupy your rightful position.. 
 6. Problem solved and everyone is happy..

See that? No drama or argument, and so smooth and professional.
Bottom line: What's yours is need no sweat to retain it. 

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