Saturday 28 December 2013

5 Signs she’s In Love with Her Pastor

Pastors have the talent of influence and it comes at a cost because it can lead to trouble if it’s not handled responsibly. This is especially true for male pastors whose congregation is disproportionately comprised of women. Most of us have probably already read and/or heard about pastors who were caught having an affair with a female congregant. It’s no surprise, as the power of influence is much stronger than we are willing to acknowledge.
There are signs that you can look for in a woman who has potentially fallen in love with her pastor. Check out them out:
1. She quotes her pastor constantly, even in non- religious dialogue. Women who have fallen in love with their pastors truly cling on to his every word. Not quoting the bible; no, the pastor. They oftentimes quote him, even in conversation that has nothing to do with faith and/ or religion. If you find yourself knowing more about the woman’s pastor and her place of worship than you do about her, that’s a strong indication that she in love with her pastor.
2. She goes out of her way to please the pastor. Women who are in love with their pastor will do whatever it takes to please him. When the pastor has a birthday celebration, she brings the most expensive gift. When the pastor organizes a new ministry, she volunteers to run it. When the pastor asks for donations, she writes the first check. Her life is dedicated to making him happy at all costs.
3. She’s very sensitive to criticism of her pastor. A woman who has fallen in love with her pastor will not tolerate any criticism of him. She grows visibly upset with people who challenge him on his teachings — even if the challenge is warranted. When unpleasant rumors about him spread like wildfire in the church, she’s usually the person who does not believe it, even when there’s valid evidence to support the rumors.
4. She puts a lot of thought into her appearance for church. There are some women who are fashion savvy just because it’s a daily part of their lives. There are other women who aren’t fashion savvy but put much more effort into their attire for church versus their attire for the remainder of the week. These women also make sure their hair, nails, and makeup are up to par, as they want to make sure that the pastor notices their exterior beauty.
5. She expects every man she dates to be like her pastor. Women who have fallen in love with their pastor revere him as the “holy grail” of manhood. In their minds, their pastor is a good man to his wife and family; and he knows how to instill the same value systems that he upholds into other men. The woman who is in love with her pastor considers a perspective husband’s decision to join her church to be a deal breaker. If he, in anyway, believes the church is not for him, she does not find him worthy of dating and/or marrying.

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