Wednesday 25 December 2013

6 Ways to be the Perfect Party Guest

1. R.S.V.P. 
One of the first things you need to remember in your role as the perfect party guest is to
make sure your host knows that you’re coming by replying to the invite. And if the invite doesn’t say ‘plus one’ then check before bringing a friend or partner. The last thing you want is to turn up with your significant other or best pal only to be met with a surprised half smile whilst standing in the doorway of embarrassment. 

Whatever the theme of the party is, just go with it. If it’s a fancy dress party then go all out and find the best costume you can. Don’t be too cool for school by being the only one who doesn’t go with the spirit of things because you might look a little odd wearing your normal clothes in a room full of fancy dressed party goers. Have fun with it and be creative! 

Whilst we sometimes might not be in the party mood, looking too miserable might mean you’re standing by the buffet table alone. Try to mingle and smile and before you know it, the reasons you were using as a potential excuse for not going to the party will quickly fade. After all, it was just what you needed! 

Whilst you don’t want to arrive too early as your host may not be ready, you also don’t want to arrive too late. Fashionably late is usually 30 minutes after the arrival time indicated on the invite. Obviously if it’s a dinner party, you need to arrive on time. You don’t want to annoy the other dinner guests by being the one they’re all waiting for.

5. R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
I gave the example of the umbrella stand, but there are other ways you can respect your host’s abode. For example, by being careful about where you put your drinks and avoid snooping around into private rooms. Above all, if you do happen to accidentally knock something over, admit to a breakage. After all, your host should have put Aunty Jackie’s antique vase (which is worth A LOT of money and is totally irreplaceable) in a safe place

Don’t be the last to leave and the one to whom the host is literally yawning in the face, hinting that the party is over and it’s time to leave. While you don’t want to leave too early, you also don’t want to leave too late. It’s always best to leave a party when you’re having a good time so you can take that memory with you.  

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