Saturday 28 December 2013

Love "People" not "Things"

It is an open secret that many people have lost the basic characteristics of humanity in them. It's more like a fact in this era we live in.
"People were created to be loved, 
Things were created to be used,
The reason the world is in chaos is
because things are been love and people are been used."

The quality or nature of being human, being kind to other people, or being responsible for a sane society is suddenly leaving more humans by the day! This has been happening through different phases and processes. When you consider the increasing amount of rape, theft, murder, quest for power, segregation, psychopathy and sociopaths, threats to war among others, you'll see how glaring this secret is.
The generic humane affection given to other humans is now been shared with electronic gadgets, automobiles, sophisticated lifestyles at the expense of hurting other humans and in often cases taking neighbours, friends or countrymen's lives. Many comfortably refer to this as the survival of the fittest. How convenient?  

In relationships with people, both the intimate and communal, do not turn people to 'means' just to get to your desired acquisition. Many are engaged in intimate relationships just because of what they could get from the other person. That's so parasitic.
¤ Devote love to people-humans not things/objects.
¤ Never forget objects/things lose value over time after acquiring them.
¤ Refrain from putting people in bad circumstances, either emotionally or physically, for personal gains.

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