Saturday 28 December 2013

Sharing What We Were Given

A father, one day, approached his young son who was eating a piece of cake which he had earlier given to him and requested him to share same with him. Strangely, the son refused bluntly. Unknown to him, the father had some honey in a jar which he kept out of view but intended to give to him had he obliged. He missed out the better and more profitable alternative because he was not prepared to part with what he had. How we miss better things when we refuse to share our modest blessings with others.
Three reasons account for why people now fail to share the riches they got in life:

1. Their refusal to act humane and see other people just like them suffering;
2. Selfishness to let go that which they possess for fear of exhaustion; and 
3. Fear of others becoming rich.

The natural man would count it unreasonable to share the little (and the last) quantum of possession that he has with another when there is no sure way of getting a replacement.

No matter how critical our situation may be, the solution to our problem all the time is absolute obedience to God's command and humane requirement of giving despite the prevailing odds.

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