Friday 6 December 2013

The First Thing Men Notice in Ladies and Looking Good

What do you think is the first thing a man notices when he sees you? (Hint: you’ve got two of them—but they’re probably not what you think.) 

If you guessed “boobs” you’re certainly among the majority. But, um, you’re aiming too low. 
The absolute first aspect of your appearance that grabs a man’s attention are the very things with which you’re reading this article: your eyes! It’s been proven time and time again, in study after study. 
The eyes have it, and because the eyes also happen to be the first place ageing makes itself apparent, ladies hoping to remain as attractive as possible might want to take a moment to rethink how they’re going about enhancing them. 
The eyes have been called the window to the soul..
When tasked with beautifying your eyes, the first idea that comes to mind might be a trip to the cosmetics counter for a makeover, complete with some brand new smoky shadows, and the whole "decoration". However, you need hold your horses and think for a bit. The "work of art" you do to your eye lash and brows speaks volumes about your personality. When the "additives" are too much, it removes the beauty you have and makes you look the opposite. The truth and shocker is that many ladies look more beautiful with just a clear neat appearance.. As known, nature is the best "makeup" you can wear. 
A smoldering eye might sound sexy and attractive, but in reality it’s not something that looks good on everyone. (Let’s not even talk about the effort necessary to properly create the look, either.) 

Men are attracted to beautiful eyes, but how many times have you heard a man complain about a woman wearing too much makeup? That’s the tricky thing about the opposite sex. They’re into a perfect appearance, but evidence of artificiality, like heavy-handed, clumpy mascara all fall into one category - ugly.
Generally speaking, it’s one of their biggest turnoffs.

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