Tuesday 10 December 2013

Urge for Sex

Now a days, people are offering far more reasons for choosing to engage in sexual activity than in years back. And we're doing it more often too. It’s a stark contrast from historical assumptions, which cited only three sexual motive: To make babies, to feel good, or because you're in love.
Today's reasons for taking a roll in the hay seem to vary as much as the terms for the deed itself. From pleasure to procreation, insecurity to inquisitiveness, the list goes on. 

These days, sexual behaviours seem to have taken on many different psychological, social, cultural, even religious meanings. Yet, some say, at the most basic level, there is only one true reason people seek sex; we are wired for sex.

We are programmed to do so. Asking why matured people have sex is akin to asking why we eat. Our brains are designed to motivate us toward that behaviour. The idea that humans are hard-wired for sex reflects an evolutionary perspective, in order to promote species survival. 

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