Wednesday 11 December 2013

Reasons People have Sex (1)

What's Your Motive?
Why do you want to have sex? Motivations for sex generally fall into four main categories from a general modern day spectrum.
Physical reasons: Pleasure, stress relief, exercise, sexual curiosity, or attraction to a person has been noted to instigate people to sex. 
Goal-based reasons: To make a baby, improve social status (for example, to become popular), or seek revenge. These band of reasons can be noticed in both adults and teens.
Emotional reasons: Love, commitment, or gratitude cause people to have sex too. These are considered the highest probable and generally accepted motives.  
Insecurity reasons: To boost self-esteem, keep a partner from seeking sex elsewhere, or feeling a sense of duty or pressure (for example, a partner insists on having sex) are common ones too though generally unsupported. 
So again I ask, what is you motive?

Let's approach the reason people have sex from another angle. 
Generally speaking, most men seek sex because they like how it feels. Women, although they very well may also derive pleasure from the act, are generally more interested in the relationship enhancement that sex offers. Professionals describe these differences as body-centered versus person-centered sex.
Body-centered sex is when you have sex because you like the way it makes your body feel. You aren't concerned with the emotions of your partner. 
Person-centered sex is when you have sex to connect with the other person. You care about the emotions involved and the relationship.
These days, 'most' men often start out being body centered, but that changes later on (in some cases). 

In Couples:
As men reach their 40s, 50s, and 60s, their relationship becomes more important. Women actually become more like men over time in that often, early on, sex is about initiating, developing, strengthening, and maintaining relationships, but in a long-term relationship they can actually focus on pleasure.
Instead of men and women being at opposite ends of the sexual spectrum, they are now coming together. More women might be having sex for physical reasons, but many more men were more likely to say they had sex for emotional reasons.
Bottom line: Motives are important, and its best you know what you are doing.

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