Monday 30 December 2013

Holes Your bad habits Created

A boy was said to be a heartache to his father by being rebellious to his words. His father, who got worried, not for anything else, but for how the boy was destroying his own life, called him and said: “I want to show you what you’re doing to your life. I’m going to put a wooden post in our front yard. Every time you rebel, I will put a nail in this post. Every time you obey, I will pull out one nail.” The boy stubbornly replied: “I’m going to do everything I can to fill that post with nails,” which he actually did.
Within two months, he filled that post with nails. Later, he realised the damage he had done, not only to his own life, but also to his parents and decided to have a change of life. His father, as he promised, began to remove the nails one by one. When the last nail came out, the boy broke down in tears. His father astonishingly asked: “Son, why are you crying?” The boy replied: “I got rid of the nails, but I can’t get rid of the holes.”
Unfortunately, some people never get to the point of removing the nails. They never recognise the effect of their bad habits and actions. not only are such people destroying their lives, they are pulling down the people around them into depression, shame, disgust, sorry, pain and regret.
Different bad habits have different extent of damage. Drunk men are not only shame and dishonour to their wives but destructors of their children psychologically. Immodest women are the big contributors to wayward girls and skyrocketing immorality.
Bottom line: Whatever evil you indulge in, remember the consequences are viral; not only to you but people around you. Plus, even if you choose to amend your ways for the better, you can't reverse the "evil" effects you've had on other people's lives. Beware!!

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