Saturday 7 December 2013

Poetry: On the day Madiba died

On the day Madiba died
I recall time stood still
My whole life flashed before my eyes
Almost against my will
I sought for that which would remain
After my time on earth
When I proceed to yonder realms
What will my name be worth?

On the day Madiba died
The entire world took note
Tribes, nations, colors of skin
Vanished with death’s one stroke
One departed, all united
With one voice we spoke
Yet all eulogies combined
His size, could not evoke

On the day Madiba died
A vacuum filled his space
For men who live for selflessness
Can rarely be replaced
However when a great tree falls
Another takes its place
And there is a ‘Madiba’ still
Same spirit… different face

On the day Madiba died
No one saw his mistakes
What filled our minds was the impact
One man left in his wake
And every single one of us
Have our own mark to make
Our flaws aside, heroes arise
When love replaces hate

Now the Great Madiba’s dead
I wonder where he went
Don’t get me wrong… I know he’s ‘gone’
That much is common sense
But where’s his final resting place
As he leaves his carnal tent
For hereafter will really prove
If it was life well spent.
Having said that, I doff my hat
To a man I never knew
Whose life’s example changed this world
In ways I can’t construe
Despite where he may be right now
One thing for sure is true
He proved one man can make a change
So let’s all take a cue.

Nwokike Chukwuemeka

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