Sunday 13 April 2014

Your Relationship Right

So many people are in the wrong relationships. Most of them got into it after been deceived by the supposed partner while others just never expected the consequences to be as grievous as they getting it. However, the bottom line still remains: You are allowed to terminate a wrong relationship that is doing damage to you in any way - be it psychologically, emotionally, morally, spiritually or physically.

There are some relationships and partners that allows you/gives you the right to be "angry, selfish and unforgiving!" There are some levels that repairing the relationship would be the worst decision of life. An example is when the relationship/partner has the potential of taking your life. Forgive to liberate yourself but don't forgive to reunite.
You should not and do not have to tolerate abuses from anyone. And remember, whatever that "supposed partner" may say, its just to keep you bonded. Most abusers have been known to transfer blames to the abused in order to keep the psychologically tied down.

Do not allow yourself  to be used by anyone at anytime. Do not allow any make you feel inferior or less human. You deserve the best just like the happiest and most fortunate people.
#You have every right to be happy in a relationship.
#You have every right to take care of yourself in a relationship.
#You have every right to exercise that right once, twice and as often as you want to in a relationship.  

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