Friday 4 April 2014

"Love Don't Cost a Thing"?

“Love don't cost a thing” is a very common phrase and the truth is really it has become more lucid/silver-tongued these days. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but the cost of love is more that “a thing”. Let’s take it from the top; not everything in life can be rated in monetary value. If that were the case, some people would need so much so money to purchase love while yes, some wouldn’t need a dime.
You might come off on the note that you are talking about “REAL Love”…and of course that’s the focus here too. Real love lost patience, self-sacrifice, dedication, humility, tolerance and others…all which cannot be bought with money. If they could be bought, many people wouldn’t be having relationship issues. 
This is not to mention the effort required to keep communication at its best, dedications to retain the truthfulness and faithfulness, not to forget the ever emerging need to display acts of love.
If we can evaluate the cost of the afore listed necessities of real love, it'll be priceless! What is the point here? Love is priceless and when you are fortunate to get "real love", cherish it and never give up on it. Love is beautiful, golden, exciting, healing, strengthening, wonderful, energizing, invigorating and never you forget that when you get it. More importantly, never give away your priceless love to some not deserving it!

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