Wednesday 16 April 2014

10 Worst Feelings in a Relationship

Cheated on: Been unfaithful to is a common practice but the adverse effects emotionally and psychologically are still very pronounced. Been cheated on makes some people feel like they've been fooled, wrongly lead on. Others might feel they are at fault and didn't do enough of what's expected from a partner. Most times in this world we live in, it usually the fault of the unfaithful partner.
Over thinking: Many unexplained actions have lead to over thinking which makes many misread actions or words. Overthinking pops up when communication is poor between two partners. Over thinking must be reduced at all cost through the use of proper, respectful and frequent communication to convey thoughts, plans and incidents.
Lied to: Lies hurt too bad especially when they come from someone that is loved and respected. Many people are of the opinion you have to lie to a person you love because you love them too much to hurt them. Whatever would make you lie to your partner in the first place would most likely be something wrong. Instead of lying, identify the situation that'll make you lie and avoid it.
Heart broken: Been heart broken is an eventually pain from originates from cheating, lies, unfaithfulness and disappointment. Whenever you are in a heart broken situation, all you need remember is that broken hearts do mend...with time. 
Not cared for: After giving your heart, time, love and expectations to someone, feeling uncared for could really hurt. Love at a point needs to be reciprocal, and if this isn't the case in a relationship, the uncared for partner sees a hole in the context of the been shown. 
Losing: After its all done on you that you have lost the person you love either before or after a breakup, there is a traumatic effect you brain feels and it causes much of pain. Feeling of losing might be coming from loss of respect, attention and other relationship essentials.
Scared: Be scared isn't a positive feeling in a relationship. When there are problems in a relationship so much that a partner gets scared, the future of that relationship isn't looking good.
Led on: Feeling of pain due to loss of respect, self-esteem and affection after it become clear you're just been led on and the person didn't truly love you is psychological painful. It is much better to be very clear about a relationship just so you'll be on the same page with your partner.
Nervous: "Shaky" moments hit us all in life. The worst of this is when you get nervous with someone you actually love and care about when it comes to some specific issues.
Letting go: This is the crown of the painful feeling. However, for what its worth, you'll get over it.

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