Wednesday 2 April 2014

7 Signs You’re In The Right Relationship

Many of us require something more concrete than just a gut feeling before we can settle our doubts that we are in the right relationship. No one should say that's wrong because many relationships that seemed to have all things right suddenly hit the rocks right before their eyes and they keep wondering "what happened?".
Therefore, here are situations you can compare with your relationship to know if it's going right.

1. You know what your partner needs in order to feel loved — even if those needs are different than yours. By matter of gender, interest, intellect and other things, two partners are most likely not going to have the very same taste and this doesn't mean they are a "wrong pair". If you have such partner, your ability to understand and respect those differences in need is a critical indication you are in the right pair.
2. You fight, but you do it productively. It's true occasional conflicts are inevitable; however, the love you have towards your partner and your desire to have/share happy moments together would propel you towards settling your differences faster and respectfully.
3. You get a confidence boost from your mutual physical attraction. Love always reproduce love, among other positive things like respect, happiness, sacrifice and all. When you find some who loves you, the way you talk, interact and make decisions even for each other increases and that's as a result of the confidence from you mutual attraction.
4. You two are different enough to keep things interesting, but you're on the same page where it matters most. If your individual differences does not mean your clueless about each others' lives, and you more so endeavor to bring smiles from it, you can conclude to you're with the right one.
5. Your family and friends give the relationship their stamp of approval. This has a significant propelling force in a relationship for you both emotionally and psychologically. When you family, after noticing who you're with and the effect that person has had on you, can still give you a nod and smile out of happiness and satisfaction, then that relationship is going right. This is because they'll be more objective then you might be.
6. You are willing to put the "we" before the "me." Involuntary decisions have a way of evolving from our unbiased conclusions. When you find it easy to sacrifice with even thinking about yourself because the happiness from "we"(i.e. the relationship) equals the happiness of "me"(personal), then you in the right relationship. 
7. You find yourself missing your partner when he or she isn't around. This attribute isn't had to note and if it's mutual on both sides of the relationship, how wonderful!

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