Sunday 6 April 2014

Stand Out From The Crowd

Many people claim “this is my style”, “that’s just my choice”, “I’m not like anyone, it’s just my fashion”; but the truth is when they step out into the crowd, they just fade into the crowd. Why? Simply because there’s no distinction between them and the society. In other words, the society has found a cunny way of dictating the lifestyle of people, leaving them with the choice of toning it up or down.

In relationships, many people join the crowd just so they can join the discussion when friends are talking about their partners; they don’t want to be the odd one out. This has landed many people in grave trouble emotionally, academically, morally, and even financially.
Others date partners whose character they don’t condone; they choose partners based on the "societal credibility". Dating someone because you feel the people around you would respect, or accept you more just because you are dating a particular caliber of person is not just wrong but also considered sick. Further expecting such relationship to be long or constructive to their lives is pure fallacy. (This is why most celebrities are either breaking up now or divorcing later)
You need to be original in as many areas of your live as possible...especially your relationships! Who you choose to date; why you choose to date the person; why that time; what do you expect from that person and why you expect such from the person; what you hope to gain; among other questions.
Standing out for a belief or way of life has never been easy but always has its advantages at the end. You need to pay the distressful price just so you can have the treasured commodity. That’s the simple truth. Then at the right time, you would smile for been as patient and courageous as you chose to be.  

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