Saturday 5 April 2014

Break-up, Pain and Emotional Reaction

Disappointment and pain is linked to emotional numbness. A person can be hurt to the point in which they no longer feel anything.

It is guaranteed that there'll always be tough times in relationships; more like a fact. However, this doesn't have to be the decider of the result of the relationship. Mathematically, the out come of your relationship is based on 20-80 event ratio. 20% what happens but 80% is on how you respond.
In many relationships, 'emotions' is what gets you started but the reaction between you and your partner's habit is what keeps you going. Have you checked if the habits of the prospective partner are those you can get along with? Even when they get considerably off? Many people have loved and been hurt because the relationship didn't go as hoped.
The grand lessons are:
1. Do not start a relationship without proper and diligent consideration of the possibility of a long lasting relationship.
2. Do not start your relationship based on emotional feelings. Knowledge needs be in play mostly.
3. Do not stay at a spot in life crying after a unhappy relationship. Life is way too short to be crying over the jerk that broke your heart. When you realise that relationship wasn't how you wished, be grateful you could get the lesson experience just taught you.
4. Do not go about hating your ex. It would impede you from moving on. In fact, never blame anyone in your life. Good people bring you happiness, bad people being you experience.
5. Do not live your life seeking the validation of others. That is the best way to be likeable, charismatic and loved genuinely for you.

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