Thursday 17 April 2014

Note To The Broken Hearted

Relationships go bad, people betray trust, some partners become unfaithful and occasionally, genuine love seem impossible to find.
On a brighter note, however hard and whatever turn life seem to have taken, remember life is seasonal. Everything is in constant change, nothing stays bad or good forever, it just constantly evolves & changes. Your pain won't be forever, your heart won't ache till you age, you won't be alone till you die...No.
The future seems so far away because time goes by so slowly. If you are faced with a breakup and you don't seem to be able to work it out, do not despair. The person isn't just the right one for you. Someone shouldn't need to be faced with your absence  to value your presence in his/her life. At such a time, the greatest pleasure in your life is doing what that Ex thought or said you couldn't do without him/her. The next best objective in your life should be to live an awesome life that ex would envy. Be happy and radiant.

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