Friday 11 April 2014

You May Not Know - Don’t Take a Loving Marriage for Granted

Deep thoughts and considerations of marriages and issues has changed many people's personal view of love. Its common to uphold love as that 'constant', steady force that all but defines your marriage/relationship. While that constant, steady force still exists, you need now see it as a bond and product of the many small-moments of positive resonance that your partner and you have shared over the years. Good thought of this should shake you out of any complacency that tempts you to take your love for granted. Love is something we should re-cultivate every single day.
When things get tough, money runs out or someone loses a job, etc., the way to get through these tough times is to focus on the things in your life that are good. Don't worry about all the things you don't have, because you will always not have a lot of things. That's out of your control. But you can enjoy and find love in the things that you do have right now, while you have them. Appreciate this moment.

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