Tuesday 1 April 2014

You May Not Know - Love and Compassion Can Be One and The Same

If we re-imagine love as micro-moments of shared positivity, it can seem like love requires that you always feel happy. Its been observed that this isn't so true. You can experience a micro-moment of love even as you or the person with whom you connect suffers. Love doesn't require that you ignore or suppress negativity. It simply requires that some element of kindness, empathy or appreciation be added to the mix. Compassion is the form love takes when suffering occurs.
Whether you're trying to create and grow love in a platonic or romantic relationship, you need to be a good friend to the person you love. Love is about more than kissing and hugging: it's about being there when someone needs you and helping them unselfishly. Work to be as good a friend to them as you can be, and let them do the same.

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