Tuesday 29 April 2014

AVOID CHEATING on your partner

Are you considering unfaithfulness towards your partner? The answer is DON'T! Don't think about it, don't plan it...if possible, don't even joke about it. Cheating is commonly referred to as the act of betrayal or unfaithfulness towards your partner. Usually when you devote the emotional and physical intimacy meant for the person you are dating to another person, then its considered cheating. If any of the partners in a relationship were sincerely devoted to the relationship, none would allow the concept of cheating. Not for any reason.
Cheating destroys you psychologically without you knowing it. It makes you feel you can get away with it playing "emotional smartness" and have "options" but on the long run, you become addicted to it and hardly would be able to save yourself.
Just don’t think about cheating if you really want something from that relationship.

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