Wednesday, 30 April 2014

AVOID playing the BLAME GAME

Blame does no good to a relationship or one's partner other than frustrate life out of them.
When you blame your partner, it shows that you are shelving your responsibility off you. More often than not, "passing the blame" game often lead to the development of a negative skill called nagging. Do not mistake "blaming" for "heated discussion" or "pouring out your heart as it is"!  Also, have it at the back of your mind that blames destroy relationships in bits. After the damage is done, you'll find it hard to believe the "blame game" did that much.
Be courageous and bold enough to be responsible for your actions. Also, rather than blame, mutually discuss any issues that can affect your partner or the relationship.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

AVOID CHEATING on your partner

Are you considering unfaithfulness towards your partner? The answer is DON'T! Don't think about it, don't plan it...if possible, don't even joke about it. Cheating is commonly referred to as the act of betrayal or unfaithfulness towards your partner. Usually when you devote the emotional and physical intimacy meant for the person you are dating to another person, then its considered cheating. If any of the partners in a relationship were sincerely devoted to the relationship, none would allow the concept of cheating. Not for any reason.
Cheating destroys you psychologically without you knowing it. It makes you feel you can get away with it playing "emotional smartness" and have "options" but on the long run, you become addicted to it and hardly would be able to save yourself.
Just don’t think about cheating if you really want something from that relationship.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

NEVER make a PROMISE you cannot fulfill

Don't promise what you can't bring to eventuality. Only say what is within your limit. As people seek to be loved or accepted in a relationship, they often tend to magnify their capacities. This is utterly wrong. You do not need to make false promises to people for the sakes of having their approval. This will only make your partner see you as a dishonest person and or feel unworthy with you.
In a bid to be accepted, do what you can do and promise what you can fulfil. Be it little, its better and you would be seen as a man/lady of your words in all aspects of the relationship.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Never expect EVERYTHING from your relationship

Failure to meet your expectations could bring about disappointments. A lot of people usually expect their partner to satisfy all their needs. For instance, your partner cannot give you joy no matter how caring or affectionate they might be. If your joy is not from the inside, no one else can make you joyful. Don't make your expectations "too" high. They are human and cannot meet all. But when you have fairly normal expectations, you won't have much of heartache or emotional trauma.
Remember, moral standard and high expectations are two very different things. You should compromise your moral standards because of a relationship. Tons of people that have done that regretted it on the long run. 

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Communicate your FEELINGS.

Don't assume your partner would know how you feel. Many people think their partner should know how they feel, what they are thinking of and their mood. However, this usually does not work as we think. Unless you're dating a mind reader, you really should not make that assumption. You need to find the right avenue to discuss how you feel. Assumptions do not solve issues it... only compound problems.

Monday, 21 April 2014

Don't do it alone, INVOLVE GOD

If you really want that relationship to last longest, you need to go spiritual on it. It is believed that a threefold cord is not easily broken. Who you share intimacy with in your relationship determines the strength of your relationship. Most of us involve friends, parent or colleagues in our relationship but their contribution usually affects us negatively. When you involve God in the affairs of your relationship, He will give you the strength and wisdom to handle any issues. Don't believe you can do it successfully without God.


Thursday, 17 April 2014

Note To The Broken Hearted

Relationships go bad, people betray trust, some partners become unfaithful and occasionally, genuine love seem impossible to find.
On a brighter note, however hard and whatever turn life seem to have taken, remember life is seasonal. Everything is in constant change, nothing stays bad or good forever, it just constantly evolves & changes. Your pain won't be forever, your heart won't ache till you age, you won't be alone till you die...No.
The future seems so far away because time goes by so slowly. If you are faced with a breakup and you don't seem to be able to work it out, do not despair. The person isn't just the right one for you. Someone shouldn't need to be faced with your absence  to value your presence in his/her life. At such a time, the greatest pleasure in your life is doing what that Ex thought or said you couldn't do without him/her. The next best objective in your life should be to live an awesome life that ex would envy. Be happy and radiant.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

10 Worst Feelings in a Relationship

Cheated on: Been unfaithful to is a common practice but the adverse effects emotionally and psychologically are still very pronounced. Been cheated on makes some people feel like they've been fooled, wrongly lead on. Others might feel they are at fault and didn't do enough of what's expected from a partner. Most times in this world we live in, it usually the fault of the unfaithful partner.
Over thinking: Many unexplained actions have lead to over thinking which makes many misread actions or words. Overthinking pops up when communication is poor between two partners. Over thinking must be reduced at all cost through the use of proper, respectful and frequent communication to convey thoughts, plans and incidents.
Lied to: Lies hurt too bad especially when they come from someone that is loved and respected. Many people are of the opinion you have to lie to a person you love because you love them too much to hurt them. Whatever would make you lie to your partner in the first place would most likely be something wrong. Instead of lying, identify the situation that'll make you lie and avoid it.
Heart broken: Been heart broken is an eventually pain from originates from cheating, lies, unfaithfulness and disappointment. Whenever you are in a heart broken situation, all you need remember is that broken hearts do mend...with time. 
Not cared for: After giving your heart, time, love and expectations to someone, feeling uncared for could really hurt. Love at a point needs to be reciprocal, and if this isn't the case in a relationship, the uncared for partner sees a hole in the context of the been shown. 
Losing: After its all done on you that you have lost the person you love either before or after a breakup, there is a traumatic effect you brain feels and it causes much of pain. Feeling of losing might be coming from loss of respect, attention and other relationship essentials.
Scared: Be scared isn't a positive feeling in a relationship. When there are problems in a relationship so much that a partner gets scared, the future of that relationship isn't looking good.
Led on: Feeling of pain due to loss of respect, self-esteem and affection after it become clear you're just been led on and the person didn't truly love you is psychological painful. It is much better to be very clear about a relationship just so you'll be on the same page with your partner.
Nervous: "Shaky" moments hit us all in life. The worst of this is when you get nervous with someone you actually love and care about when it comes to some specific issues.
Letting go: This is the crown of the painful feeling. However, for what its worth, you'll get over it.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014


Remember, as you acquire more experiences, you're to incorporate the lessons from those experiences to the decisions you make in life. Each decision taken all the time we live eventually makes up the direction our life turns.

Experiences in life are like data in science. Proper use brings great progress.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Trust - Relationship Problem and Solutions That Can Save Your Relationship

Trust is a key part of a relationship. Do you see certain things that cause you not to trust your partner? Or do you have unresolved issues that prevent you from trusting others?
Problem-solving strategies
  • First, be realistic. Thinking your mate will meet all your needs -- and will be able to figure them out without your asking -- is a Hollywood fantasy. "Ask for what you need directly”.
  • Next, use humour -- learn to let things go and enjoy one another more.
  • You and your partner can develop trust in each other by following these tips.
  • Be consistent.
  • Be on time.
  • Do what you say you will do.
  • Don't lie -- not even little white lies to your partner or to others.
  • Be fair, even in an argument.
  • Be sensitive to the other's feelings. You can still disagree, but don't discount how your partner is feeling.
  • Call when you say you will.
  • Call to say you'll be home late.
  • Carry your fair share of the workload.
  • Don't overreact when things go wrong.
  • Never say things you can't take back.
  • Don't dig up old wounds.
  • Respect your partner's boundaries.
  • Dont be jealous.
  • Be a good listener.
  • Even though there are always going to be problems in a relationship, you both can do things to minimize marriage problems, if not avoid them altogether.

Finally, be willing to work on your relationship and to truly look at what needs to be done. Don't think that things would be better with someone else. Unless you address problems, the same lack of skills that get in the way now will still be there and still cause problems no matter what relationship you're in.

Infatuation OR in-Fascination

Romantic attraction between two people could either be just a ‘deep fascination’ or ‘fervent love’. There’s a difference between these two and before moving forward to take any action regards the “attraction”, proper discerning should be done. Though, both love and passion are strong feelings for another person, they are very often confused with each other. Basically, love is permanent while mere passion/fascination is temporary. Also love goes through bitter, trying and painful moments; mere fascination on the other hand is retained because it seems sweet, sweet and sweet – no real trail of commitment.  Take a look at these five differentiations between the two feelings - passion/fascination/infatuation one hand and genuine permanent love on the other hand.

1. Passion and Affection
Passion (Desire) is the basic characteristic of mere fascination/infatuation. You just find each other appealing and so you are attracted to each other without intense feelings from the heart. Of course there’s bound to be sexual attractions you feel for that ‘partner’ but it just remains till the freshness of your relationship stays and weakens then fades away after that. Affection is the basis on which love develops. Hence there is much ground for it to grow. It is intense and gets stronger with time. Simple!2. Shallow and Mature
It’s no doubt that mere fascinations are shallow because they are just created on that moment – attraction and pleasure. When you want more without thinking much, you are been delusional. Real love is more mature than what you find on the streets between teens and among many adults.  Love is a more mature feeling to arrive at and to retain. You clearly understand what is good and what is bad; what would make you happy. Love makes you think about your present, future, self-security and happiness. When you are truly in love, you are just ready to give without expecting anything in return!
3. Fascination and Commitment
‘Fascination’ explains what people now mistake for love these days; it is just a crush or a physical desire for another person. If you don’t get him/her in sadness, annoyance and jealousy sets in you; that makes you feel you loved him/her. Love is exactly the opposite feeling. It is characterised by patience and ready for responsibility and liabilities when unfortunate situations come up. These can’t be found in infatuation/mere passion.
4. Security and insecurity
There is immense security, if you are in love because you know, no matter what happens the other person will not leave you behind. But if you are just fascinated and fooling each other to be in-love, your subconscious knows you might lose your partner or they might turn away or cheat anytime!
5. Beautiful and scary
Love is undoubtedly a beautiful and healthy feeling. Love accepts the other person’s imperfections. You are accepted for what you are and that is a great thing. On the other hand, infatuation is scary and that’s where people act like what they are not for the desire to remain ‘wanted’.
‘Mistaken in-love’ is common among youths; many realize the difference and what they want as they grow. Now you know.

Sunday, 13 April 2014


Your Relationship Right

So many people are in the wrong relationships. Most of them got into it after been deceived by the supposed partner while others just never expected the consequences to be as grievous as they getting it. However, the bottom line still remains: You are allowed to terminate a wrong relationship that is doing damage to you in any way - be it psychologically, emotionally, morally, spiritually or physically.

There are some relationships and partners that allows you/gives you the right to be "angry, selfish and unforgiving!" There are some levels that repairing the relationship would be the worst decision of life. An example is when the relationship/partner has the potential of taking your life. Forgive to liberate yourself but don't forgive to reunite.
You should not and do not have to tolerate abuses from anyone. And remember, whatever that "supposed partner" may say, its just to keep you bonded. Most abusers have been known to transfer blames to the abused in order to keep the psychologically tied down.

Do not allow yourself  to be used by anyone at anytime. Do not allow any make you feel inferior or less human. You deserve the best just like the happiest and most fortunate people.
#You have every right to be happy in a relationship.
#You have every right to take care of yourself in a relationship.
#You have every right to exercise that right once, twice and as often as you want to in a relationship.  

Saturday, 12 April 2014

That Woman's Man..

6 Virtues In A Good Woman

The basic need a man really wants to correctly satisfy is the want of a good woman by his side. Men have just as hard time trying to find a good woman as women have trying to find a good man.
Women have to kiss frogs in order to find a Prince and men have to wade through pools of women, who for the sake of the cleanliness of this article we will just say crazy women, worthless woman, b's, h's, gold diggers, and you fill in the blanks.
A good woman is comprised of much more than being a woman who keeps a clean house and puts a hot meal on the table.. Things like that are nice and pretty much a necessity depending on the relationship, but they are only the basics. Many women say they want a good man but have you asked yourself if you're a good woman? Here are a few traits of a good woman.
1. ENCOURAGING/SUPPORTIVE/MOTIVATES - A good woman isn't quiet without input. She's full of ideas to help improve your life, career, business, outlook in dressing and overall health. She supports her man's ideas and motivates him to accomplish his goals. A good woman is a good listener. Ultimately she is able to change you without trying. A good woman makes you a better man.
2. SHE KEEPS HIM HONEST - A man is not allowed to be lazy when he's in a relationship with a good woman. If you tend to make excuses for why you can't do something a good woman will call you out on your bedside and make you shape up. If you want a promotion, but claim to not be able to get one she will quickly let you know that in all honestly you're not doing enough. A good woman will always encourage her man to make an honest living that he can be proud of. Most importantly she knows how to talk to him and tell him these things without being down on him.
3. KING HIM - Feeding your man grapes, strawberries and parading around in little enticing outfits is delightful, but what about providing him with some mental stimulation. A good woman not only speaks to the King in her man, but she also treats him as such. She sees potential in him. She treats you like he is the most capable and deserving man in the world, in addition to spoiling and catering to him in the most feminine way. A good woman will often make a man feel like he's the only man who exists in her eyes.
A good woman sees greatness in her King. She thinks he's amazing and makes him feel as such. She will have him feeling like anything is possible, like he could actually change the world. Imagine that... or simply google Barack Obama
4. SHE'S SECURE - A good woman is secure within herself and not easily jealous over other women. She's not quick to put the next woman down just because she thinks the woman looks good and provides competition to her own looks. No man wants an insecure woman who is always messing up his business deals because she thinks he's flirting with or having intimate relations with the women he works with.
5. STABILITY - Women often look for stability in a man. What they don't know is that it's their characteristics as a woman that cause a man to become stable. Most relationships are temporary, you actually know they will expire any minute. She makes him think about a future with her. A good woman will make you think of your goals and plans and make sure they are in alignment with what you want out of life. If a woman wants a stable man then she needs to be stable herself. That's one of the top signs of a good woman
6. ALLERGIC TO GOLD DIGGING - A good woman doesn't require that you buy her expensive gifts in order to obtain or maintain her affection. She's just as happy with sentimental gifts from a man as she would be with a gift of Louboutin shoes. It's not all about money with her, it's all about you and the man whom you are.

There is power in a good woman who can push her man to new heights and when a man finds a good woman that's when those should wedding bells start ringing..

Friday, 11 April 2014

Signs he wants just sex from you

There are many men out there just interested in scoring some "actions" with ladies and then making a switch. This isn't news. Girls say it a lot and guys admit it. Except you are only interested in counting the number of guys that have "gone through" you as a lady, you would be more cautious of how the male-folks relate to you, distinguish you, and most especially – who you eventually get on with.
How can you know what they next guy that approaches you has in mind? They all say quite the same thing and pressure you almost the same way. There are some actions you have to read and questions you should ask yourself. These questions would tell you if he's just trying get into your pants or he's a real deal.
¤ How does he communicate with you? Most guys text and mail girls they want just 'a thing' from. They find it extra stress making those calls due to the extra work need. He'll prefer to use smileys/emoticon in place him carrying it out. If he can chat you more often, reply your messages, then ask yourself why not a call that'll take less energy.
¤ Has he said he's not ready to be in a relationship? It is textbook warning that most girls do miss. He said he's not interest in a relationship but he trying to be 'intimate' with you. When he keeps claiming he's last relationship took a toll on him and he's needs time of relationship but he attempts getting closer to another female. How does that balance up in the world of the sensible?
¤ Does he limit meeting you in just one restaurant? Hiding you from the world in order to minimize the need for explanations to the world after he has gotten what he wants and cut ties with you is the objective. He may say it's his favorite, give locational reasons or suddenly become an expert in detecting the restaurant with the best fries/chicken.
¤ Has he been making too many promises? Men with good intentions make promises, men with good character keep them. Real men know the weight of promises and avoid making many promises. When a guy waltz to you promising too much of this and that, then there's high possibility he's trying to say what he thinks you want to hear to enable him get 'some' soonest.
¤ Has he been making last minute plans to see you? He brings up the idea of hooking up with you at the 'eleventh hour' mostly at night. That's the definition of a 'booty call'.
¤ Does he avoid deep personality conversations? Yes he knows your name, current engagement, frequent locations and daily activity patterns. A guy that limits himself to shallow things about you doesn't want to be around for too long. That also makes it easy for his conscience and brain to forget you after the affair is over.
¤ Has he been all about getting physical when you around? When his hands does not stop wondering and he even voices getting intimate whenever he thinks he can get move on to second base, you know what he wants. When it's always about that getting physical when you two are alone, that's a "use and dump" game he's playing on you.
¤ How many of friends of he's has he officially introduced you to? Keeping you off his social life makes the job much easier for him after he dumps you. This is why he'll do as much as he can not to introduce you to his real buddies (except those that play the same game he does).
Now you know. Avoid been taken as 'a minute refreshment'. Live like a queen and then you can be treated as such.

You May Not Know - Don’t Take a Loving Marriage for Granted

Deep thoughts and considerations of marriages and issues has changed many people's personal view of love. Its common to uphold love as that 'constant', steady force that all but defines your marriage/relationship. While that constant, steady force still exists, you need now see it as a bond and product of the many small-moments of positive resonance that your partner and you have shared over the years. Good thought of this should shake you out of any complacency that tempts you to take your love for granted. Love is something we should re-cultivate every single day.
When things get tough, money runs out or someone loses a job, etc., the way to get through these tough times is to focus on the things in your life that are good. Don't worry about all the things you don't have, because you will always not have a lot of things. That's out of your control. But you can enjoy and find love in the things that you do have right now, while you have them. Appreciate this moment.

Is This Love? Teen Tips for Romance and Dating

Love can take you to new highs -- and new lows. You may have the strongest feelings of your life, which is great when things are good. But if things go bad, it's devastating! Here are six dating tips to help you keep your head during this exciting time.

Dating Tip 1: Take Your Time
Some teens date, some don't. Girls need to feel good about themselves before they start to date. Pure advice? Only date if you know yourself and know you want to date. If you're not ready, it's cool to stay single and hang out with your close friends.

Dating Tip 2: Find Someone Who Likes You Back
Feelings that aren't returned can make you question everything about yourself. Did you say something wrong? Were you wearing the wrong things? In a healthy relationship, the feelings are mutual. You respect each other and have fun together. If this doesn't describe your situation, there's nothing wrong with you, but you probably do need to keep looking.

Dating Tip 3: Know When to Move On
Sometimes you have to admit it, the relationship isn't working. Maybe the love of your life has turned mean and selfish. Maybe you realize you want something better. If a boyfriend doesn't give you what you need, walk away. Girls are told most times by wise mothers, "It hurts now, but you can get through it."

Dating Tip 4: Talk About Facebook Before You Talk on Facebook
Social media puts the ups and downs of dating out there for everyone to see. If you like a guy or he likes you, it's perfectly OK to ask him not to post things about you online, including pictures. Some things don't have to be shared with the whole world.

Dating Tip 5: Protect Yourself From Pressure
Pressure is not love, and it's not even normal. Most teens say they've never felt pressured to be in a relationship before they were ready. Still, a little mental preparation never hurts. Decide ahead of time what your values are and how far you want to go. That way, you won't have to figure it out in the heat of the moment.
Here are a few concrete things you can do to keep yourself out of the pressure chamber:
  • Avoid situations where a guy might expect more than you want to give.   
  • Go out with boys close to your age. Girls who go out with older guys are more likely to have sex before they're ready.

Dating Tip 6: Give Love Time to Grow
Sometimes the idea of love is better than love itself. How do you know if you're really in love?
If you're infatuated, need constant reassurance, and have trouble thinking about anything else, these are signs you're not really in love. It's fun for now, but in time you'll probably feel disappointed.   
Mature love grows stronger with time. The more you get to know each other, the stronger your feelings. And you don't have to be someone you're not. You like each other for who you truly are. If you're like most people, finding mature love takes more than one try, but it's definitely worth it.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

5 Ways To Attract The Right People Into Your Life

Whether love life, business, or friendship — attraction follows pretty much the same rules. And they might not be what you think.Ready to finally start attracting the right people into your life? Follow these five tips:

1. Get clear on who you are, not who you're told to be.
So often, our desires are a lot more aligned with society's expectations than with what we really want. Is a good-looking guy or girl really your top priority? What about a sense of humor? Do you really want to work around the clock for that rich client? Or would a relaxed atmosphere with a little less money work for you?

2. Picture your ideal, and be specific.
You can't get what you want if you don't know what it is in the first place. Start thinking about the exact person you want to attract into your business or your life. Remember, you're the only one setting the rules here, so the sky's the limit. Be specific on everything from their secret passions to their inner fears. When you know what you're looking for, you're a lot more likely to find it.

3. Get really good at repelling people.
The most common barrier to attracting people into your business or life is trying to please everyone. If you're keeping everyone happy, then you're not being special to anyone. When you are authentically yourself, some people are inevitably going to be repelled. And that's a good thing. Once you start sending away the wrong fits, you're making room for the right ones to come in.

4. Let yourself be found.
Think of it this way: You're a lighthouse calling the ships in. If you don't shine your light bright enough, no one's going to be able to find you. So put yourself out there. Place yourself in situations where you can be found. Introduce yourself to everyone. Be as much of yourself as you possible when you first meet. Give the right people a chance to find you.

5. Be open to whatever comes along.
At the end of the day, business or love might not come in the form that we expected. But that doesn't mean that it's a bad fit. If you're putting yourself out there authentically, watch who starts coming into your life. Sometimes who we are attracting can teach us a lot about ourselves that we didn't know. And it might be a better fit than we expected.

At this exact moment, there's at least one person out there looking for exactly what you are. Whether it's a client, lover, or just a friend — somebody is trying to find you.
So give them a chance. Put yourself out there. The good, the bad, and the ugly, be authentic. Don't just be another carbon copy of someone else. Show people exactly who you are, so the right fits can find you.
When you open up and put yourself out there authentically, you don't have to wait six months to find out something isn't a fit. You'll create a business you're proud of and a life you'll love right now. And that already sounds attractive, doesn't it?

Sex - Relationship Problem and Solutions That Can Save Your Relationship

Even partners who love each other can be a mismatch, sexually. A lack of sexual self-awareness and education worsens these problems. But having sex is one of the last things you should give up. Sex brings us closer together, releases hormones that help our bodies both physically and mentally, and keeps the chemistry of a healthy couple healthy.

Problem-solving strategies:

  • Plan, plan, plan! Making an appointment; but not necessarily at night when everyone is tired. Maybe during the baby's Saturday afternoon nap or a "before-work quickie." Ask friends or family to take the kids every other Friday night for a sleepover. When sex is on the calendar, it increases your anticipation. Changing things up a bit can make sex more fun, too. Why not have sex in the kitchen? Or by the fire? Or standing up in the hallway?

  • Learn what truly turns you and your partner on by each of you coming up with a personal “Sexy List”. Swap the lists and use them to create more scenarios that turn you both on.
  • If your sexual relationship problems can't be resolved on your own, Consulting a qualified sex therapist to help you both address and resolve your issues.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Reconsider your Complain..

You May Not Know - Love Fortifies The Connection Between Your Brain and Your Heart Health

Decades of research show that people who are more socially connected live longer and healthier lives. Yet precisely how social ties affect health has remained one of the great mysteries of science. Researches recently learnt that people who learn ways to create more little moments of love in daily life lastingly improve the function of the vagus nerve, a key conduit that connects your brain to your heart. This discovery provides a new window into how tiny moments of love serve as nutrients for your health.
So, if you've been hurt in the past, you really need to begin to cope with that feeling before you can love someone else. You may feel that things you did in the past will make you unlovable, or that you have too many problems to be lovable. Maybe you feel that because your past relationships failed, all others are doomed to fail as well. But this is not the case and you should never feel for a moment that what has happened to you before will keep you from being happy now. Accept the things that happened to you, forgive, and move on.

Stand Out From The Crowd

Many people claim “this is my style”, “that’s just my choice”, “I’m not like anyone, it’s just my fashion”; but the truth is when they step out into the crowd, they just fade into the crowd. Why? Simply because there’s no distinction between them and the society. In other words, the society has found a cunny way of dictating the lifestyle of people, leaving them with the choice of toning it up or down.

In relationships, many people join the crowd just so they can join the discussion when friends are talking about their partners; they don’t want to be the odd one out. This has landed many people in grave trouble emotionally, academically, morally, and even financially.
Others date partners whose character they don’t condone; they choose partners based on the "societal credibility". Dating someone because you feel the people around you would respect, or accept you more just because you are dating a particular caliber of person is not just wrong but also considered sick. Further expecting such relationship to be long or constructive to their lives is pure fallacy. (This is why most celebrities are either breaking up now or divorcing later)
You need to be original in as many areas of your live as possible...especially your relationships! Who you choose to date; why you choose to date the person; why that time; what do you expect from that person and why you expect such from the person; what you hope to gain; among other questions.
Standing out for a belief or way of life has never been easy but always has its advantages at the end. You need to pay the distressful price just so you can have the treasured commodity. That’s the simple truth. Then at the right time, you would smile for been as patient and courageous as you chose to be.  

Saturday, 5 April 2014

You May Not Know - Small Emotional Moments Can Have Large Biological Effects

It can seem surprising that an experience that lasts just a tiny moment can have any lasting effect on your health and longevity. Know this, there's an important feedback loop at work here; an upward spiral between your social and your physical well-being. That is, your little moments of love not only makes you healthier, but being healthier builds your capacity for love. Little by little, love begets love by improving your health. And health begets health by improving your capacity for love.

Want Less Trouble? Keep Shut!!

Break-up, Pain and Emotional Reaction

Disappointment and pain is linked to emotional numbness. A person can be hurt to the point in which they no longer feel anything.

It is guaranteed that there'll always be tough times in relationships; more like a fact. However, this doesn't have to be the decider of the result of the relationship. Mathematically, the out come of your relationship is based on 20-80 event ratio. 20% what happens but 80% is on how you respond.
In many relationships, 'emotions' is what gets you started but the reaction between you and your partner's habit is what keeps you going. Have you checked if the habits of the prospective partner are those you can get along with? Even when they get considerably off? Many people have loved and been hurt because the relationship didn't go as hoped.
The grand lessons are:
1. Do not start a relationship without proper and diligent consideration of the possibility of a long lasting relationship.
2. Do not start your relationship based on emotional feelings. Knowledge needs be in play mostly.
3. Do not stay at a spot in life crying after a unhappy relationship. Life is way too short to be crying over the jerk that broke your heart. When you realise that relationship wasn't how you wished, be grateful you could get the lesson experience just taught you.
4. Do not go about hating your ex. It would impede you from moving on. In fact, never blame anyone in your life. Good people bring you happiness, bad people being you experience.
5. Do not live your life seeking the validation of others. That is the best way to be likeable, charismatic and loved genuinely for you.

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