Tuesday 28 January 2014

What is LOVE?

This is a question that makes the best of literates search for words. Quite frankly, it’s simply had to define emotions to the precise extent that you would feel the receiver has the perfect picture you’re trying to paint. Love, on a unique platform is; expressed in various ways, felt during several occurrences, strengthen by a wide range of circumstances, and survives unbelievable test of life.

After been confused by the feeling that ‘no word is appropriate’, many finally resort to the conclusion that love is best felt, expressed and observed than described. Attitudes, emotional sensations, dispositions, reactions, among others have been known to define and describe love. According to the Greeks, there are four types of love – kinships, friendship, sexual and divine love; these seven attributes describes genuine case of love in all four. 
Love is:
1. Kind and Merciful: In times of need and when mistakes are been made, real love comes to play and makes it all go away. Kindness and mercifulness are humane attributes; however, love pushes the boundary much further.
2. Sincere and honest: Genuine love promotes constant sincerity and honesty among people. Love makes it hurt you to act otherwise, because dishonesty immediately ad constantly becomes a very heavy burden on you.  
3. Courteous and Respectful: Actions during interpersonal relations expresses love if it is present. However we choose to react to each other, treat each other’s wishes and speak to one another expresses the love we possess to each other.  
4. Fearless and Strong: Love kills fear and increases strength. Period! It is a fact that has been established over time. When others fear for their lives and can’t associate with someone, the person he/she loves tames that perfectly. Hatred brings weakness.
5. Truthful and faithful: Love has no space for lies and cheats. The devastating effect of acting opposite truthful and faithful surely hurts love.
6. Corrective and Protective: Unpretentious love would dislike causing or spreading danger while preventing mistakes from repeating themselves.  
7. Active with Faith: Love exists on the leap of faith. Real love is never stagnant or impotent; it is always showing and proving itself.
You are to express all these acts of love to yourself and others in your daily life. 
Bottom line: One question, have you really been showing and receiving true love?

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