Saturday 18 January 2014

Beware of "Greek gifts"

The term, ‘Greek gift’, is used to describe a gesture that comes with strings attached. It is the strategy of giving someone a gift with the intent to entrap him or to influence his subsequent action or to trick him into a compromising situation. For some people, it could actually result in death. 
There are some gifts with the intents of making you 'owe' the person, then you'll feel bad not bulging to wrong deals. People have been noted to give sex to people just so they can pass communicable diseases or blackmail the individual later on. At workspaces, social hangouts, and neighbourhood, these deceptive people sharing "evil gifts" are all around you.
Always wisely examine every proposal brought to you, including those by seemingly well-meaning people. Do not be in a hurry to accept suggestions to do something or enter into very attractive deals that appear too easy and demands little or nothing from you. Nothing of value and enduring comes cheap. Always look out for a hidden trap or trick that could throw you into a public scandal and shame, or eventually cost you dearly. When you come to a crossroads in life; take a knee, think and ask for help to handle all such tricky and tempting situations. 

Bottom line: All that glitters is not gold

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