Wednesday 8 January 2014

IDEAs that Hurt your Relationship

What is the most resilient parasite? A bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? The right answer is ‘an Idea’! 
It is resilient and highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain, it’s almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed and fully understood would always stick to you right in there, somewhere in you. 

During the various stages of a relationship, there are different things we come across. Many are times when couples feel the relationship is becoming boring and they prefer staying out with friends or family. Having unfaithful ideas, self-centred ideas and wicked ideas during these vulnerable times always brings the relationship crashing down. The plain truth is that such ideas portray you as someone unworthy of the trust accorded to you. It would surely hurt your partner. Remember it all starts from a negative idea
Ideas are simple but no good idea is simple when you need to plant it in some else’s mind. Recollect when a friend is trying to plant evil ideas into your mind, very fast to absorb. However, business ideas don’t evolve that fast from such people. 
Is the idea going to bring someone pain, lose unduly or regret trusting you; then you should desist from such ideas. On the other hand, there are ideas that can spice up and strengthen your relationship for the better. There are good ways to revitalise a dead relationship so far the will to have a new and different turn is present in both partners. 

Bottom line: Just an idea can turn your life around. For good or for detriment? That depends on the nature of the idea.

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