Monday 6 January 2014

Don't say these during a Relationship Fight

It is a norm for disagreements to pop up in human interpersonal interactions. Relationships consisting of two individuals trying to jointly navigate the course of life are more prone to such disagreements, arguments or disputes. Everyone knows relationships have their moments and seasonal ‘fights’ aren’t rare. During this ‘fights’ or discords, there are some things not to be uttered.
1. “It is your fault”. Passing blames during disputes is a very common act people engage in which is rational but ought to be avoided. This shifts attention away from the issue and problem at hand pours blame to the individual supposedly at fault.
2. “This is the same thing you did last time”. Recounting past faults always generates an accusing tone and makes the other person turn on a defensive mode. This leads further away from the solution. The best way forward is getting a solution and recounting what someone has or should have done isn’t close to the solution.
3. “You are a jerk/coward”. Aggravated anger can push people to utter unnecessary words. Name calling and trashing words aren’t to be used whatever the disagreement might have been. If indeed you feel better after saying them, then you relationship had already been watery afore time. As much have you have control of your senses and body organs, avoid name calling.
4. “I want a breakup/divorce”. Here’s a policy to live by; whatever the fight may be about, never breakup or separate during a fight. If you must go separate ways, settle the fight, and then make the decision whether or not to continue with clear head. Do not even mention it…say it has an immediate damage that lingers for long even if you two eventually settle without a breakup.
5. “You just like your family”. Many people relate the offender to his/her family members which is dead wrong. You know whatever you know about your partner’s family because of the trust bestowed on you. You shouldn’t exploit that trust not matter the wrong done. More importantly, he/she might forgive your attack and harsh words of rebuke to him/her but would always remember you attack on his family. That becomes what would be registers as your view of his/her family.  

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