Friday 10 January 2014

Other Thrills Life Offers Aside Sex

Our society is obsessed with sexual pleasures. The fact that people put so much importance on sex, and pressure on themselves to getting it, there's need to put it in perspective. So, the next time you find yourself frustrated by your quest for sex at all cost, or the headliners urging you to come-come-come, remember that life offers you plenty of other equally amazing experiences. Some, in fact, are simpler, sweeter and more easily attainable. 
1. Non-stop laughing: If sexual intimacy weren’t such an important part of long-term romantic relationships, then many would’ve married one of their closest, platonic friends ages ago. Since High School, there are mates that would know just how to get you howling with laughter in no time, and for what feels like forever. This kind of can’t-catch-my-breath moment, with anyone, can’t happen enough. 
2. A child’s hug: Nothing feels more perfect or better than having your little one’s arms and legs wrapped tightly around you, head buried in your neck. The world becomes still and peaceful and full of love.
3. Rolling over and sleeping in: Who hasn’t had that absolutely delicious moment of waking up, drunk with drowsiness, only to learn that you can go back to sleep — and at your leisure? It’s even sweeter when you’re completely warm and cozy. 
4. Quenching a thirst: And we’re talking pure, clean water here. Nothing rehydrates better than water, especially when your body craves it. You’ve been there and know how good gulping can be. 
5. Sinking into a warm bath after being out in the bitter cold: Perhaps the best part of being outside in frigid temperatures is the experience of warming up inside. A nice bath or hot tub dip is often the perfect way to get the blood flowing again.
6. Receiving some unexpected financial help: Whether it’s for a birthday or holiday, an unforeseen inheritance or a bill found on the street, getting a small or large chunk of change can have you smiling in no time. This burst of elation is one to soak in, especially if the money comes at a critical time. 
7. Burying yourself in nice clean, fresh sheets Simply said for a simple pleasure: It feels heavenly to sink yourself into newly washed, dryer-warmed sheets. 
8. Feeling your partner from head to toe: Being pressed up against your beloved, with or without the expectation of more intimacy, wrapped in each other’s arms, is one of those few things that make us forget that the rest of the world exists.  
9. The high of having had a good workout: Whether you met your half hour goal on the treadmill or beat your own best time for a marathon, pushing your body and releasing the endorphins can be addictive. 
10. Learning that the person you’re in love with loves you too: Suddenly, everything in the world feels right when two people exchange “I love you.” 
11. Accomplishing something huge: Whether you’ve wrapped up a major project, are graduating or are being made the offer of a lifetime, the thrill that comes along with working hard, and being recognized for it, is the ultimate head rush.
Admittedly, some would say there’s nothing exactly like a climax, nor should it be. But should other life pleasures be ranked any less worthy when it comes to ranking intense sensations and moments? After all, many of the descriptors I used are those often used to describe sexual response and pleasure.

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