Thursday 16 January 2014

Life Counsels: Can I Love My Husband But Lusting After Someone Else?

I love my husband. He is smart, handsome, and sweet.
However I would love to sample some other man.
Monogamy is hard. Women how do you focus on only one man for life? Seems like a jail sentence.

Counsel: Being married or in a relationship does not erase attraction to other people but knowing you made a choice to marry that man/woman comes with a responsibility of least in humane theory and lifestyle of decency.
Try not to fan the flame of such lust; discuss with your partner and consider the effect such action will have on both of you if you indulge yourself. Monogamy is a jail to those whose eyes/thoughts strays to every passing fancy and dwells on the momentary gratification of such!
It is heaven to those who sees it as having a Life/Body/Soul/ Spirit all to themselves to explore for the rest of their lives!
Your choice.
Its also hard to be faithful when you have been hopping from bed to bed in time past just because you weren't married. Mistake many do is thinking a wedding band on the finger would control them. Sorry it doesn't work like that.

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