Friday 17 January 2014

Relationship Break-up as a Wake-up.

Contrary to common negative opinions and reactions to break-ups, there could be a huge positivity evolving your way.
Many people sit and cry, feel dejected and unwanted, begin a negative psychological painting of the world, and in all start hoping there's a chance to suffer through the cause of the break up. In other words, hoping and waiting for a "make up". This shouldn't be.
This is a time you should wake up psychological, physically, and in any other aspect. Its time you think how you spent your time, life and what you gained or lost during that relationship.
How can you be a better person?
What part of you needs improvement?
What did your 'ex' complain about and is it true?
What's the better picture of you going to look like?
How can you be that person?

Ask and answer such self-awaking questions, and then the break-up would be to your own advantage.

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