Friday, 31 January 2014

10 Simple Ways To Impress A Woman

Sometimes it’s the smallest thing that makes a lasting impression with women. A smart comment or a couple of small gestures can really impress a woman, while an offensive remark or a display of carelessness can utterly doom your chances. This list of habits and behaviors could make the difference between getting her number and getting a dirty look.

1. Be a gentleman
We should all strive to be gentlemen at all times; however, many men today shy away from it, attempting to respect a woman’s space and equality. Believe it or not, there are still plenty of women who still appreciate chivalry and being treated like a lady, and being a gentleman when you are in the presence of a lady shows her that you are attentive, respectful and well-mannered.

2. Maintain eye contact
It can be tempting to look a beautiful woman up and down, and the more beautiful she is, the harder it is to concentrate on the conversation with her. Just remember, if she catches you staring at her cleavage when she’s telling you how much her dad means to her, you’ll look like a creep.

3. Giving sincere compliments
Complimenting women is a skill all men need to master to be successful with the ladies. Women can sense when a compliment is not sincere, and this same insincerity along with some guys having hidden agendas are the reasons why they find compliments so repulsive. To give a compliment the right way, the most important thing to be sincere and remember that is not what you say, but how you say it–what you can observe about her and the setting she is in. Compliment woman more on her character rather than her appearance and don’t try to find something for the sake of being complimentary; that feels false.

4. Socialize with her friends
And one of the things that allows a woman to measure a guy’s potential as a partner is his ability to fit into her social network. Women are attracted to likable, social, charming men, the kind of guys their friends and families will love. So, engage in conversation with her friends even as you’re working your magic on her. Impress them and you’ll impress her and remember–the more you make a woman feel special, the more positive her conversations about you will be with her girlfriends.

5. Ignore your cell phone
Guys, regularly answering cell phone calls (especially from other women) while you are out together with your lady is a big no-no. When you’re talking to a woman, letting her see you silence your phone or turn it off completely shows her that she has your undivided attention. Your outside communications during a date should be limited only to emergencies.

6. Ask open-ended questions
Just about every woman likes to talk about herself; after all, it’s a subject on which she has a lot of expertise. Open-ended questions are essential for making the conversation flow. Asking her questions about her family and her favorite things will allow her to open up and feel comfortable, while simultaneously showing her that you’re interested in more than just her looks.

7. Be funny
Women love a guy that will make them laugh spontaneously and keep a smile on their faces, and being funny and being able to make a woman laugh is something that will get you farther with her than just being good looking. After all, when looks fade and you begin aging, all you’ll have left is conversation.

8. Always leave her wanting more
The majority of guys give away all the surprises and all the interesting facts about themselves way too soon. You have to leave women wanting more, and by doing things like limiting your phone conversations, leaving just as the conversation or kissing is getting good, and saying you’ve gotta go meet with your friends. By being a challenge, an interested woman will begin making calls and suggestions to see you again and will make her intentions more obvious as time goes by.

9. Show her you are passionate about life
A man who can show a woman he’s passionate about things in life, from his job to the bedroom, is very attractive.

10. Take personal responsibility
Take personal responsibility for yourself, your thoughts and your situation. Learn to see how the choices you’ve made have led you to where you are and never be a victim.

You Can Have A Creative Life If You Follow These Rules Day15.

Don’t forget to have fun (because creating is meant to be fun!)
Don’t forget to enjoy yourself, creativity is meant to be fun! Let your imagination run wild, experiment with different materials and when the pressure is getting too much, create something just for the fun of it. No goals, no pressure – just creativity running free!

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Mistakes: Ride of Life

Mistakes are simply lessons in disguise as flaws! 

I put them on my "been there; done that" list. Then as I make more, the more I have overcome.

We do not always try, sometimes they just happen. You've got to climb on top and ride them; like waves, you know. See what you learned on the 'ride and crash', and then start again. 

Life is just amazing! You can not control everything external - you ride with it and then take another ride later, with more knowledge. 
Maybe you will ride longer and maybe not crash

One day, the wave may be free to be an ocean of serenity.

Signs You’re In An Abusive Relationship

 Take the test below before you go!!
Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, yet the problem is often overlooked, excused, or denied. This is especially true when the abuse is psychological, rather than physical. Noticing and acknowledging the signs of an abusive relationship is the first step to ending it. No one should live in fear of the person they love. If you recognize yourself or someone you know in the following descriptions of abuse, reach out. Help is available.
There are many signs of an abusive relationship. The most telling sign is fear of your partner. If you feel like you have to walk on eggshells around your partner, constantly watching what you say and do in order to avoid a blow-up, chances are your relationship is unhealthy and abusive. Other signs that you may be in an abusive relationship include a partner who belittles you or tries to control you, and feelings of self-loathing, helplessness, and desperation.
To determine whether your relationship is abusive, answer the questions below. The more “yes” answers, the more likely it is that you’re in an abusive relationship.
Signs That You’re In An Abusive Relationship
Test Your Inner Thoughts and Feelings. Do you:-
Feel afraid of your partner much of the time?
Avoid certain topics out of fear of angering your partner?
Feel that you can’t do anything right for your partner?
Believe that you deserve to be hurt or mistreated?
Wonder if you’re the one who is crazy?
Feel emotionally numb or helpless?

Test Your Partner’s Belittling Behaviours. Does your partner:-
Humiliate or yell at you?
Criticize you and put you down?
Treat you so badly that you’re embarrassed for your friends or family to see?
Ignore or put down your opinions or accomplishments?
Blame you for their own abusive behavior?
See you as property or a sex object, rather than as a person?

Test Your Partner’s Violent Behaviours or Threats. Does your partner:-
Have a bad and unpredictable temper?
Hurt you, or threaten to hurt or kill you?
Threaten to take your children away or harm them?
Threaten to commit suicide if you leave?
Force you to have sex?
Destroy your belongings?

Your Partner’s Controlling Behaviour. Does your partner:-
Act excessively jealous and possessive?
Control where you go or what you do?
Keep you from seeing your friends or family?
Limit your access to money, the phone, or the car?
Limit your access to money, the phone, or the car?
Constantly check up on you?

I hope you didn't have to say many yeses to those questions.

You Can Have A Creative Life If You Follow These Rules Day14.

Let your creativity evolve over time
Your creativity should be ever evolving, growing and changing. Don’t box yourself in just because you think your style or medium is all you should ever do. The magic of living a creative life is that you can steer it in any direction you choose. Let your creativity evolve with time, it might surprise you.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Men, just keep the friendship...

Stop Making Stupid People Famous

Err.. how else are we gonna say this?
Ok, let's try understand it like this. When someone is desperate for human attention and fame, there's the high possibility of indulging in societal immoral acts.
Over the social networks, some people - usually girls - upload nude pictures just to gain insane popularity.
Now, many actresses and so called entertainers compete among themselves on who can dress revealing the most - going almost naked. Some others just say things that doesn't edify the public - both young or old - all to gain popularity. This is noticed in different aspects and most be stopped.
Stupidity wouldn't thrive if we don't accommodate or entertain it. On the dangerous end, if we smile, joke, entertain or handle stupidity with levity, the younger generations would try improve our generation's stupidity and the implication would be grievous on the remaining morality in the Earth.

You Can Have A Creative Life If You Follow These Rules Day 13.

Share your creative accomplishments
Always share your creative accomplishments with others! You’ve worked hard to get there and your good work shouldn’t go unrecognized.  Show off your creative work with pride.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Life: Respectful You.

Respect is for those who deserve it because they have earned it. If you want to be respected first and foremost, you must respect yourself first, and carry yourself in a respectful manor while also respecting others who deserve to be respected and even sometimes those who don't deserve it because you can't give them the power to change who you are...which is respectful/courteous.

What is LOVE?

This is a question that makes the best of literates search for words. Quite frankly, it’s simply had to define emotions to the precise extent that you would feel the receiver has the perfect picture you’re trying to paint. Love, on a unique platform is; expressed in various ways, felt during several occurrences, strengthen by a wide range of circumstances, and survives unbelievable test of life.

After been confused by the feeling that ‘no word is appropriate’, many finally resort to the conclusion that love is best felt, expressed and observed than described. Attitudes, emotional sensations, dispositions, reactions, among others have been known to define and describe love. According to the Greeks, there are four types of love – kinships, friendship, sexual and divine love; these seven attributes describes genuine case of love in all four. 
Love is:
1. Kind and Merciful: In times of need and when mistakes are been made, real love comes to play and makes it all go away. Kindness and mercifulness are humane attributes; however, love pushes the boundary much further.
2. Sincere and honest: Genuine love promotes constant sincerity and honesty among people. Love makes it hurt you to act otherwise, because dishonesty immediately ad constantly becomes a very heavy burden on you.  
3. Courteous and Respectful: Actions during interpersonal relations expresses love if it is present. However we choose to react to each other, treat each other’s wishes and speak to one another expresses the love we possess to each other.  
4. Fearless and Strong: Love kills fear and increases strength. Period! It is a fact that has been established over time. When others fear for their lives and can’t associate with someone, the person he/she loves tames that perfectly. Hatred brings weakness.
5. Truthful and faithful: Love has no space for lies and cheats. The devastating effect of acting opposite truthful and faithful surely hurts love.
6. Corrective and Protective: Unpretentious love would dislike causing or spreading danger while preventing mistakes from repeating themselves.  
7. Active with Faith: Love exists on the leap of faith. Real love is never stagnant or impotent; it is always showing and proving itself.
You are to express all these acts of love to yourself and others in your daily life. 
Bottom line: One question, have you really been showing and receiving true love?

You Can Have A Creative Life If You Follow These Rules Day 12.

Don’t restrict yourself to one creative medium
Just because you consider yourself to be a writer, painter or designer, does not mean that’s all you should ever do.  If you’re feeling like you want to explore a new creative area then let yourself do that.  Living a creative life isn’t about pursuing one creative medium relentlessly, it’s about experimenting and finding what works.

Monday, 27 January 2014

You Can Have A Creative Life If You Follow These Rules Day 11.

Connect with a creative community
Creative community is so important. It will keep you on track, motivated, inspired and give you an amazing support system. If you want to live a creative life, find some creative people in your area to connect with.  They’ll be there for you to support and encourage you in your work, while you’re cheering them on with theirs too.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Real Relationship is simply about..

You Can Have A Creative Life If You Follow These Rules Day 10.

Keep showing up no matter what
If you want to live a creative life, you need to keep showing up and creating no matter what. We all have down days when we’re not feeling inspired but the most important thing to remember is that inspiration comes from doing. The more you show up and engage with creative work, the more inspired you’ll feel.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Confession of a Healing Heart

"I gave you my heart, 
told you that you were my world, 
I loved you with all my heart, 
but you gave up on our love. 

So why am here crying
when you're the one who lost a diamond? 

It may hurt now but I'm moving on, 
to a better place, 
where I'll meet someone knows how to love. 

I know God loves me, 
and He will send me someone that deserves me.

So I'll wipe my tears because from this moment on; 
the perfect love is on it's way, in a special delivery, 
with my name written boldly all over it"

You Can Have A Creative Life If You Follow These Rules Day 9.

Expose yourself to new experiences
Living a creative life and creating every day means you need to expose yourself to new experiences. Drawing an idea from within during the creative process can be difficult at times, particularly when you are lacking experiences to draw from. Living is what informs your creativity. It is where you will draw your inspiration from and its importance cannot be underestimated. So get out there and do something new!

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

How to Keep A 'Decent Man' Happy

Alright ladies, let's be honest here...restaurants are great, and eating out brings some thrills especially when you dress up, looking your best and its you and your man at the other end of the table. However, you most probably heard 'the way to a man's heart is through his stomach' so we best get learning.
Toast and quick sandwiches aren't going to bring the 'homey' feeling. If only some women can make a good dinner and their spouses would be home in good time most nights to see us. Having such a woman give a man the bragging right to have someone other men might not have.
So, get the recipe books out and master a few dishes and he'll keep loving you till for ever. An even better idea would be to cook his favourite meal and make him a surprise dinner, he'll never see it coming and you'll be in his good books.

Bottom Line: This works well on men that are decent; hereby making them well motivated to live a great family life.

You Can Have A Creative Life If You Follow These Rules Day 8.

Keep learning
To live a creative life, it’s important that you never stop learning. There are so many great creators who have come before us and there is a lot you can learn from them. Whatever your particular creative field, make an effort to learn something new every week. It could be as simple as reading the story of a great creator in your field or as in-depth as learning a completely new style or technique. Learning keeps your creative mind active and your ideas fresh.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Be Sure You are Not Contributing To Societal Deterioration

Everyone desires to be admired. To this end, many people go to great lengths to achieve this life ambition. But what they fail to understand is that rather than just any personal effort, it takes sacrifice and selflessness to become a role model.

Furthermore, what are the virtues you are promoting in the society? You have to possess something to give before you can give...and most importantly, it better be something good! Else you'll be a virus to the society. You'll be someone the society is better without.

Sadly, that is the case with many politicians, musicians and artists, religious leaders and other public figures. Their personal lives, families and morals are nothing to write home about.

Bottom Line: What have you got to contribute to society? Does it bring a positive or negative change?

HIV-Positive Student Videotaped Himself Having Sex With 31 People

According to prosecutors, a 22-year-old college student secretly filmed himself having unprotected sex with as many as 31 people, knowingly exposing them to HIV.

In October, Michael Johnson, a student and former wrestler at Lindenwood University in Missouri, was charged with five felony counts of exposing partners to HIV. Some time later, police discovered the sex tapes—reportedly filmed with hidden cameras—stored on Johnson's laptop. Prosecutors disclosed the discovery on Friday.

"On that laptop were 32 videos engaged in sexual acts with Mr. Johnson," said Tim Lohmar, a St. Charles County prosecutor, told KMOV, adding that the tapes showed Johnson having sex with 31 partners over four months in his dorm at Lindenwood.

Lohmar also said that it's unlikely the partners knew about Johnson's HIV positive status. Johnson, known online as Tiger Mandingo, met his partners—most of whom, if not all, were men— through his six social media accounts (three Facebook pages, two Twitter feeds, a Vine and an Instagram), according to the River Front Times.

If convicted, Johnson faces life in prison.

5 things you should NEVER reveal online

1. Intimate photos or videos: Something that you post in the heat of the moment may come back to haunt you many years later. Anything that's once posted online can never be deleted completely. So make sure that you don't post something that you may not want your colleagues, boss, siblings or parents to see.
2. Your phone number: And for that matter even your address. Even if you think that you can trust you e-friend, don't be naive. Similarly don't give out you address for some lucky draw. This very lucky draw may prove 'unlucky' for you.
3. Don't post any abuses: If you have some complaints against you boss or teachers don't write messages against them over the net. For starters, it can be easily traced back to you. Wouldn't you rather talk about your complaints face-to- face with your boss than miss out on that promotion you were vying for.
4. Bank details: It's one thing to pay your bills online over secure websites, but never ever can you give out your account number or your ATM pincodes. Don't take such risk no matter what the emergency is. If someone asks you for such details be suspicious of them.
5. Minute-by-minute details: It's one thing to tell people how you feel or crack a joke a two over the net, but don't give out details like 'going out for groceries' or 'heading to the local bar'.

Your Life Is Simply a Gift! Why??

Many people are in so much unfortunate state than you are...and you need to put that in mind before you say, act or think in an ungrateful way.
Today before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't speak.

Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat.

Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who's crying out to GOD for a companion.

Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who died too young.

Before you complain about your children - Think of someone who desires children but they're barren.

Before you argue about your dirty house someone didn't clean or sweep - Think of the people who are living in the streets.

Before whining about the distance you drive - Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet.

And when you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job.

But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another - Remember that not one of us is without sin and we all answer to one MAKER.

And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on your face and thank GOD you're alive and still around.
Remember whatever you have can leave you...Your Life Is Simply a Gift

You Can Have A Creative Life If You Follow These Rules Day 7.

Stop being your own worst critic
For all the criticism you might get from others, it’s quite likely that you are actually your own worst critic. Think about the way you’re talking to yourself about your creative work and consider whether it’s negative or positive. If you find it’s leaning towards the negative end of the spectrum, put an end to it by affirming some more positive thoughts. Your work is good enough, you have enough time and you will get there!

Monday, 20 January 2014

Controlling Your Head.

I don't think people understand how stressful it is to explain what's going on in your head when you don't even understand yourself.
Sometimes people try to expose what’s wrong with you because they can’t handle everything that’s right about you. You could unfortunately be in a relationship with someone who is nonchalant about controlling his/her mood and that literally 'drives you crazy'.

Therefore, never allow a person to get into your head and manipulate you. Your mood should never be influenced by anyone's actions. There are people who take great delight in annoying and irritating others. Some others just say or do things that would make you wonder if they have anything called brains in their heads! However they relate or interact with you, always remember NO ONE CAN drive you crazy UNLESS you give them the keys.
Bottom LineSilence is still the best answer for Fools.

The Human Brain and How we Love

There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see the world, I will marry you.'
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend. He asked her, "Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?" 
The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him.
Her boyfriend left her in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying: "Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine."

This is how the human brain often works when our status changes. Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side in the most painful situations.
"He left her when he got rich", "she had to go for a man her class after she became a partner in the firm"...situations like these show the lack of understanding about life the person has. 
When many people get an increase/upgrade financially, that changes everything including their relationships - who they associate with and the type of people they can love. This is one of the detrimental effects money has on people.
Some people get some money and they lash out words that would make you think they've never been needy. How terribly sad!
Your pursuit for societal applause shouldn't compromise your friends, loved ones and people who were actually there for you in your 'low-state'. A real person should love more and help others. Use things, not People
Remember whatever you have can be taken away from you; and whoever came into your life during your wealth would most likely leave when its gone.

You Can Have A Creative Life If You Follow These Rules Day 6.

Create a daily creativity habit and stick to it
There’s amazing power in forming a daily creativity habit, and it doesn’t need to be a huge time commitment either. If all you have time for is 30 minutes a day, start with that. Commit to a specific time of day every single day and make that your time to create. Schedule it in like an appointment and stick to it as part of your daily routine. There is amazing power in forming a daily habit, it’s time to start harnessing it for your creativity.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Beware of "Greek gifts"

The term, ‘Greek gift’, is used to describe a gesture that comes with strings attached. It is the strategy of giving someone a gift with the intent to entrap him or to influence his subsequent action or to trick him into a compromising situation. For some people, it could actually result in death. 
There are some gifts with the intents of making you 'owe' the person, then you'll feel bad not bulging to wrong deals. People have been noted to give sex to people just so they can pass communicable diseases or blackmail the individual later on. At workspaces, social hangouts, and neighbourhood, these deceptive people sharing "evil gifts" are all around you.
Always wisely examine every proposal brought to you, including those by seemingly well-meaning people. Do not be in a hurry to accept suggestions to do something or enter into very attractive deals that appear too easy and demands little or nothing from you. Nothing of value and enduring comes cheap. Always look out for a hidden trap or trick that could throw you into a public scandal and shame, or eventually cost you dearly. When you come to a crossroads in life; take a knee, think and ask for help to handle all such tricky and tempting situations. 

Bottom line: All that glitters is not gold

3 Things Women Definitely Want From Men

It's no news that you need to listen very carefully to figure out what your lady is trying to say. It is not rocket science, its just that you need to be sensitive to her. Here are a few things that women look for in men. Read on and you will probably understand her better.
Be honest and credible
Honesty is something that is extremely important for a woman. You have to be brave enough to own up everything. If she ever caught you lying she wouldn’t forgive you easily. But if you faltered and still confessed to her honestly you can stand a chance. She has to be able to believe you and trust you implicitly. It means a lot to her. A real woman looks for a partner who she can rely on.
Hear her out

If you are looking for a steady relationship, you need to enhance your listening skills. Lend an ear to her problems; you don’t need to give solutions all the time. She is not looking for answers; she just needs someone who can listen to her, rants without being judgmental, without being critical of her comments. Allow her to create an emotional bond with you.

Women mature faster than men, we all know that. But expecting the woman to mother you all your life is not what she would like. She needs an anchor too. She needs her man to be matured, calm, composed, and in control. Show her that you can face your fears and you do not need to run away from them. Impulsive is fine sometimes but show that you can take calculated risks as well. A woman loves it if she knows she can lean on her man and it is not the other way round.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Life Counsel: She sleeps with her Boss but pregnant for her husband

How do I stop him, I need your advice and solution. Am titi 28years old,I got married last year, but before then I have been having an affair with my boss, I never wanted to but he threathened if I don't I will loose my job, so since then he always come into my office to have sex with me, so when I got married, I thought he would respect that and let me be but instead he continued.
Now am 4months old pregnant for my husband, I don't know why my boss just won't let me be, he still fucks me despite the fact am 4month pregnant, he says he enjoys it even more now am pregnant because my vagina looks bigger and my breast nipple is more pointed and firm, so almost on a daily basis he fucks me,am really confused, how do I stop him from doing so, do you think I should confess to my husband about this or just allow my boss to keep fucking me, please I need your advise because am scared the baby might just look like him and I don't want that because he's ugly and he doesn't use condom when we have sex he just ejaculates inside my vagina, can this result to complication during birth since the pregnancy does not belong to him but he keeps ejaculating on it .pls I need your advise on what to do to stop him I don't want to loose my job.. I will be reading your comments."
Counsel: To start with, you have unprotected sex with your boss, how sure are you the baby belongs to your husband? From your account, you get intimate with your boss more than your husband.
Secondly, if you were principled enough, you wouldn't have started having sex with your boss in the first place and what you have to do now is stop your boss at whatever cost. It may cost you the job...that's the consequence of not saying no at the right time. Your boss is a sorry excuse of a man and you should be ashamed of yourself.
You better prioritize your family over your job because from the look of things, the baby has a higher chance of been for your boss's child. And your boss surely might be sleeping around with other ladies/prostitute...meaning you could be exposed to STD or more. Your baby isn't only at stake...your family is! Continual sex won't affect the baby but you most likely are going need paternity test!

Relationship Break-up as a Wake-up.

Contrary to common negative opinions and reactions to break-ups, there could be a huge positivity evolving your way.
Many people sit and cry, feel dejected and unwanted, begin a negative psychological painting of the world, and in all start hoping there's a chance to suffer through the cause of the break up. In other words, hoping and waiting for a "make up". This shouldn't be.
This is a time you should wake up psychological, physically, and in any other aspect. Its time you think how you spent your time, life and what you gained or lost during that relationship.
How can you be a better person?
What part of you needs improvement?
What did your 'ex' complain about and is it true?
What's the better picture of you going to look like?
How can you be that person?

Ask and answer such self-awaking questions, and then the break-up would be to your own advantage.

You Can Have A Creative Life If You Follow These Rules Day 5.

Make the space and time live a creative life
Living a creative life is easy when you have the time and space dedicated to make it work. Even if you work a full time job and live in a tiny apartment, you can still make a small time and space for your creativity. It might be as small as a simple desk in the corner of your lounge room and small daily commitment to show up and create.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Never Say These Five Things to Your Ex.

Whether you were dumped, cheated or misled, there are some conversations that are unnecessary to have with your ex. More often than not, they end up been regretted actions on the long run. Do not do the following.

1. Don’t Send Mean Texts: Pretending you don’t care however he/she has treated you reflects back some of the pain you feel. On the other hand, when you send messages, texts or make calls to expound your ‘hurting’, it make he/she feel superior and psychologically helps them move on while you’re stuck.  So, don’t ever text him saying that you regret being with him; don’t ever text him in anger; and don’t call to give a piece of your mind. Make him/her think that what he/she does doesn’t bother you at all.

2. Don’t Ever Apologize: Unless you were the one that cheated or something, you have no reason to be sorry. If he cheated on you, don’t be sorry that he cheated on you. If he hurt you, don’t be sorry for being hurt. Whatever you do, do not apologize to him/her. Unnecessary apology makes it obvious you are yet to move on and you’re thinking about him/her.

3. Don’t Ever Hang Out With Each Other Alone/Intentionally: You guys are broken up. There’s no need to hang out anymore. For one, it could be really awkward. It’s going to be weird being with him/her and not calling each other babe or any of the nicknames. It’s going to be weird not holding hands or hug him the same way you used to. You might even be taken advantage of you and be used you physically and then you guys could go back to being strangers. Is that what you want? No. You don’t want to be used then forgotten.
4. Never Tell Him or Her “I Still Love You”: Usually, this doesn’t come to people’s advantage…especially when there are signs of an uninterested partner. They will make you believe that they feel the same way when in reality, they probably don’t. There is the high possibility of your partner confessing love for you but just to use you physically and mentally hurt you.

5. Never Tell Him You Miss Him: It’s human to notice and feel a difference/change in your routine of life. The person you speak to daily, laugh with and share your day with. However, you’ll adjust. It happens to everyone like that. There’s a reason for the breakup…look for way to rebrand and remodel your life. That’s the path to happiness.

Life Counsels: Can I Love My Husband But Lusting After Someone Else?

I love my husband. He is smart, handsome, and sweet.
However I would love to sample some other man.
Monogamy is hard. Women how do you focus on only one man for life? Seems like a jail sentence.

Counsel: Being married or in a relationship does not erase attraction to other people but knowing you made a choice to marry that man/woman comes with a responsibility of least in humane theory and lifestyle of decency.
Try not to fan the flame of such lust; discuss with your partner and consider the effect such action will have on both of you if you indulge yourself. Monogamy is a jail to those whose eyes/thoughts strays to every passing fancy and dwells on the momentary gratification of such!
It is heaven to those who sees it as having a Life/Body/Soul/ Spirit all to themselves to explore for the rest of their lives!
Your choice.
Its also hard to be faithful when you have been hopping from bed to bed in time past just because you weren't married. Mistake many do is thinking a wedding band on the finger would control them. Sorry it doesn't work like that.

Simple rules to a happier life

Relationship Tears??

Its just one question..

You Can Have A Creative Life If You Follow These Rules Day 4.

Don’t compare yourself with others
Comparison can be a huge trap in living a creative life. The problem when you compare is that you’re not comparing like for like. When you compare your work, with all its known inconsistencies and struggles, to someone else’s carefully curated presentation of their work, you are comparing two completely different things. It’s simply not a fair comparison, and you will lose every single time. Remember your creative work is wonderful and unique just as it is, there is no need for comparison.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

You Can Have A Creative Life If You Follow These Rules Day 3.

Expect, accept & embrace your natural imperfections
Nothing is perfect, and neither is your creative work. It’s easy to fall into the trap of lamenting your imperfections but they are natural and completely normal. Creative work isn’t meant to be ‘perfect.’ It’s meant to be real and raw, made by a human being not by a machine. Embrace the imperfections in your work and you’ll see yourself flourish creatively.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

"Arguments" in Relationships

Why do people argue at all? Guess it's to express personal opinion(s) and position. Millions of arguments on the surface of the earth are not necessary. Yes, we are all free moral agents ridden with individual points of view; however, resorting to arguments has become a second nature for people. 
If humans are that prone to arguments, how much more two people in a relationship. It is expected that couples would sometimes argue and be at logger heads.
However, there are some little things that you can and should let go even though you might be right. Most times, preventing a clumsy argument is smarter than winning it. Just like the proverb says "Wiser is the man that prevented a war than he that prepared for it." A country cannot simultaneously prepare and prevent war. Its impossible to bring peace when you have your mind ready for war. So is it with you relationship. 
Always try to take note of the feeling of peace inner your mind when all is at rest. That would help you identify what you are gunning for you are at the cross road of choosing between peace and argument.
An unjust peace is always better than a just war. And if you must go to "war" in your relationship, endeavour as best as you can to reduce the "fatality"!!

Life Counsels: My Ex Who Is About Getting Married Wants To Sleep With Me

"She is about getting married and am now into another relationship but she is still insisting we continue having sex till after her marriage. As i type this, she is seriously disturbing me. She was very nice but i just can't do it bc of my conscience, putting my self in the guys shoe. Moreover, chances r that she may still want same even after marriage as she's been complaining that her guy dosnt satisfy her as i did. What shud i confused"

Counsel: Men should observe a very important and helpful rule when it comes to interaction with an Ex who is about to or already married. Become extremely platonic friends
Do not entertain hearing stories and incidents from her marriage, too long chats, let alone invites to heinous sexual advances! 
This isn't a confusing situation; it's about choosing from two distant options like north and south pole. It's about extreme right and extreme wrong.
Coming to think of it; for your Ex to be getting into a lifetime relationship she knows for certainty she isn't of and won't be happy in, she needs to grow up and get psychologically! While you need to run away from her!
In order to prevent yourself from falling into the temptation, you should tell 'someone mature' about it instead of bottling it in to yourself.
Friends at the bar might tell you to be a "man" and enjoy the advances while you can...but those are foolish talks that have high possibility of landing you in regrets later in life.
The Choice is yours...but remember there's lifetime joy for the wise.

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