Tuesday 20 August 2013

You need some time AWAY from that person you LOVE

Are you worried when your spouse spends some time away from you? Don’t be! Alone time is one of the healthiest times for a genuine relationship to grow. Yes, you read that right! Two people in a relationship spending time apart gives each one the time and space to decompress, think clearly, be secured with their personal  identity outside of the relationship and importantly grow massive trust for each other. You definitely should want your partner to have some time apart and alone to him/herself. This also gives you the opportunity to retreat and think about your relationship while relaxing alone to yourself.
  • When you live away from someone you love dearly for some time, you two are still thinking and missing each other, that absence makes the heart grow fonder of your partner/spouse.
  • During your time alone, if true love exists in your heart, there would be some things you’ll come up with to do or say when you finally see your partner. These ‘new additives’ reignite the attraction between you and your spouse. This ‘new additives’ might be a new cooking recipe, boosted self-esteem, sweet pet name or adjusting an old bad habit you noticed while alone.
  • Restore the ‘fairylike relationship’ you and your partner wished to have after spend time apart and think of how it started and what has changed. By this you can re-live some of the mysterious excitement you had at the early days of your relationship. Now when he comes to pick you up for a date after not seeing you for a few days or couple of weeks, you’ll blow each other’s mind away like you used to. You both would once again be dazzled by how you get yourselves looking pretty.
  • Many are times when individuals have been doing things their spouse’s way (or I’ll say the most modest way in order not to alienate your partner), but during that time, you can revisit the awkward way you do things and even do gross things only you can tolerate.
  • Time apart helps to avoid the silly fights that are as a result of being with someone every second of the most part of the day and week. Under ordinary circumstances you don’t mind the way he forgets to change the toilet paper, return the toothpaste cap or put his wet towel in the laundry basket, but now that he’s done it the last 31 days in a row! That must be on your last nerve. Your annoyance could turn into a passive-aggressive argument and soon snowball into a huge fight that could have been easily avoided by a weekend off at the 14th day.
No matter how long you’ve been together, 10 months or 10 years, time apart prevent been suffocated from each other. Many relationships (and marriages) have been broken because they were negligent of the secret behind the "time apart". They thought they couldn’t stand each other whereas they only needed time to decompress and re-love. That why a while after some divorcee meet each other, they feel the love they had and wondered what happened to them. Those arguments and thoughts were been bottled for too long.
Long relationships need time apart, time to recess, time to re-evaluate.
If you think ‘time apart’ would make your spouse ‘have a thing’ or run-off with another person, then you never really had him/her.
You need some time away from that person you love but DO NOT induce the time alone with a fight!!!

1 comment:

  1. My relationship is still a baby and we spend time apart more than time together......does this apply cos I want more time together than time apart
