Wednesday 19 February 2014

Married men and Dating Sites.

Should a married man be seen on dating network sites?
Different men have different take on this issue. This isn't a like "some go to the river for fish while others go for the view". This situation is much more sensitive than that and really shouldn't not be debased to such.
A married man has a wife if not children. When he starts having undue "attachments" with single ladies that have next to no restrains, he's bound to development 'whorish interest' in a couple of them. To state the obvious, that is just the definition of cheating. Certainly, no marital vow has 'permission' for 'flings'.
Why get yourself close to temptation if you say you don't intending failing?
Would you be surprised if you wife doesn't trust you? You know the saying "think of the worst, and surprising you'll be right."
Share your views: Post your Opinions and Comments below!


  1. I think its ok. Might help some men cherish what they have

  2. What is he looking for??
    Who just stays in the shopping mall after shopping? You are to go home with your groceries not go back and keep staring at the goods on the shelves.


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