Monday 24 February 2014

Incidents & Opinions: I Don't Like My Girlfriend's Mode Of Dressing.

I so much hate the way my girlfriend dresses. I've complained over and over again but it seems I'm not getting through to her. She doesn't think a woman can be sexy without showing body parts. Her clothes are skimpy, trashy and disgusting. They are all either too short, too tight, bosom on display, her favourite are transparent clothes. Those kinds of clothes are fine if you're standing on the streets but not when you are going out with your man. I get very uncomfortable when we go out. She likes all the attention she gets from people when we go out but I am embarrassed. I do not want to be seen in public with a girl dressed that way but because I care a lot about her I still haven't broken up with her. What can I do about this lady? I really want her in my life. Minus the dressing, everything else about her is perfect. My kind of woman. Please advise.
*culled from LIB*
Life Counsel:
- When you first laid eyes on her, she was dressing just this way, and you had no problem with her sense of dressing, so why complain now?
- When you started dating her, she was dressing just this way, and you became attracted to her, but yet STILL had no problem with her sense of dressing, so why complain now?
- Now she is your girlfriend and you suddenly realise she dresses indecently?!
- You have to take this girl for ALL she is and WHO she is, and nothing else. You cannot pick what you like about her, and ask her to change what you don't.
There's no point in trying to change her because that's what will come back in lighting speed when you guys have disagreements. I'll say just accept her like this or move on with your life.
Golden Tip:
 The only time change is good in your partner is when and if he/she chooses to change for personal reasons.


  1. I wanna digress a little. You said your girl is perfect apart from her dressing but you just showed another imperfection: she doesn't listen.
    You are what you attract oh...Haba, transparent clothes, cleavage showing tops and gowns with the shortest of skirts attracted you, then that should keep you na. You can't leave because you are fascinated by her - attracted and repelled at the same time.
    Once one outweighs the other - that is attraction and disgust - your decision would be made. Besides, you can't change anyone till they decide to change.

  2. Itz jex a matter of tym...she's gonna change...
    all u gat 2 do iz kip hammering it in her earz...

  3. Your dressing reveals a lot about you. There are deeper things about her you don't know but her dressing is warning you to observe. SHe is dressing to catch attention may be because she doesnt believe u will settle down with her so she needs other bidders, or she has low self esteem or she is sleeping around or has the potential to.
    Remember you are addressed the way you dress. If your girlfriend dresses like a hooker, people will think you started hanging out with whores. If you are interested in your reputation, think twice


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