Saturday 8 February 2014

Bad Boy Good Girl

Every girl wants a "bad boy", who will be "good" just for them; and every boy wants a "good girl", who will be "bad" just for them. On the off side, whatever makes your partner "bad" also removes the possibility of you finding that good quality for a good relationship which you crave for in him/her.
This is why you never separate your brain from your heart when making relationship decisions. The purpose of the brain is to protect the heart. A relationship only goes as far as you both want it to. Just like in cooking omelets, you need good eggs. Bad eggs guarantee bad omelets. So is it with your relationship; a great relationship composition's must have too "good" partners, then the ingredients have to be of good quality.
Whatever you want, you have to get the full package. It's hard to interact with a portion of someone's personality and discard the rest.

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