Sunday 30 March 2014

You May Not Know - Simply Upgrading Your View of Love Changes Your Capacity for It

The latest science offers new lenses through which to see your every interaction. People have been interviewed, and they shared incredibly moving stories about how they used small-moments of connection to make dramatic turnarounds in their personal and work lives. One of the most hopeful things you should learn is that when people take just a minute or so each day to think about whether they felt connected and attuned to others, they initiate a cascade of benefits. And this is something you could start doing today, having learned even just this much more about how love works.
Everyone is different. This doesn't make anyone better or worse than anyone else. If you want to love someone, you need to take them for everything that they are, good and bad. Realize that none of those traits may be permanent and that if you want them to change, you have to help them want that change for themselves. Give them the tools they need to make the change. They aren't yours to mold into your personal statue of perfection.

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