Tuesday 11 March 2014

Chasing the Truth..

We have always had an obsession with truth; with understanding things correctly. More often than not, never have we been satisfied to accept anyone's word for anything. EVERYTHING MUST BE PROVEN; and we believe this is a wise way for everyone to live. If someone says such and such is good, or this and that are bad, we always ask "Why?". We almost NEVER take things on authority. Its our understanding that many people are not honest, and some who are honest are simply mistaken. The higher you go in terms of power, the more reason people have to manipulate you for the sake of their own agendas.
Historically, whenever a significant paradigm shift has occurred, it was strongly opposed by nearly everyone on every side. And yet in the end, the grounds for the shift were proven to be valid.

"Always go to the source/sources of an issue. Dig until you reach the bottom and have ALL the information on a matter. Only then will you be in a competent position to make your own judgment. Also, expect very few to agree with you, and nearly all to mock you. But trust in yourself, or rather, trust in your openness to seek and accept the truth, whatever it turns out to be. You must vow to follow truth wherever it leads, for its own sake."

This takes courage, because truth can be painful; it can turn our world and beliefs upside down. If you truly do your own work, if you will have the courage, discipline, strength, and INTELLECTUAL HONESTY to thoroughly investigate a matter, you can feel secure in your conclusions.
This takes hard work, much time, and complete honesty, but your reward is truth and personal freedom.

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