Monday 3 March 2014

Seriously, "What is Love" to you?

Maxwell was quite rich and energetic; his business was going fine and had the best of what life could offer at that time. It would be a great omission not to mention his girlfriend Rita who was always by him for conservative three years. The two go it going a year before Maxwell hit it big professionally. Rita always knew he was going to be successful and her forecasts were right. His life seemed to be going according to plan, but in reality, no life really does.
It was on a summer afternoon, just after a sweaty game with his friends and colleagues, not to forget the loud cheers from their fiancées and girlfriends. Maxwell dived into the pool just to cool off. There it happened, after a few dives, he hit his head at the bottom of the pool and all the force was transmitted to the on spot, the Cervical Vertebra – which controls the spinal cord. After some period of expecting Max to surface, his wondering friend dived to find Max motionless.
Fast-forward 7 months and some weeks, Max’s fate was sealed. He was confirmed by the best medical experts to be paralyzed feet. Well, fast-forward another two months, there has been so many frustrations, arguments and fights between Rita and Max. Irritated Rita just couldn’t come to terms with her fiancée’s new fate and it was time to call a quit. Max was wise to see it coming and wanted to make it obvious to Rita requested her to sit back and ask herself “if he had not had the accident, would she ever welcome the thought of leaving him?”
Well, the answer she could honestly give was “no”.
Many would argue that love is the most overrated word used this contemporary days. Many rather "like" but say they "love". He's rich, she's beautiful, he's have a very nice build, she has great curves, he's respected by all, she's smells so sweet, he has a baritone voice, she always sound like an angel... the list goes on. But here's the bummer; what if he/she looses those qualities? Would you still love him/her? Think about that before saying you are in-love.
For some people, it's good reputation. Are you ready to pay back the gratuity of the "love" you were receiving? Most people pray the relationship never gets to that stage while others hope the "pay back" required won't be too much.
Let's think a bit towards the extreme, what if you never got to enjoy the benefit of the love but you were just called up to act out your confessions of love? For how long can you bear 'stay in character' or can you hold on till the end?

Would you after a week or some months say you have expressed really love? Hmm, real love takes more than that.
What is love to you? 

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