Sunday 9 March 2014

Disappointing Andrew

Andrew my boyfriend, now with an “ex” suffix was studying for his Master degree in order to get one of the best jobs in town and after which we could start talking about marriage - at least that was the plan.

Six years I loved him! I hoped and felt I had found the one.

I thought one day I’ll walk down and meet him at the other end of the aisle.

I wasn’t stupidly in love or living in a love bubble. No, not for six years.

I saw true love in his eyes just like Jesus saw honesty, dedication, selflessness and love in Judas Iscariot - before betrayal that is.

Andrew loosed his virtues and betrayed my trust.

He just wasn’t the same sweet guy I knew and loved spending my time and life with.

He no longer spoke to me like his angel.

He acted wrong and I pointed it to him just like we previously do, but his response was a declaration of war.

I wasn’t to speak to him in a tone that seems we were in a relationship, but rather like I was receiving a favour from him.

Next to no communication, minimal contact and absence of any expression of love pointed to that fact that I didn’t have his love again.

Andrew, oh Andrew, you have been said to cheating and now I see for myself.

Sadly it’s with the same girl I forgave you for betraying my trust with.

And what do you have to say for yourself?

Nothing but denial at an evidently exposed scandal.

Wow!! Just like Uncle Shaggy taught you in the song “Wasn’t me”??

It’s best to part ways with you now than later.
Guess what…
Now I can give some quality attention to Naeem, my cute crush.
Looking back makes me wise; looking forward makes me brave; looking down makes me humble; looking up makes me strong.

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