Saturday 13 December 2014


Jealousy may often bring out the worst side of people in a relationship. One of the worst things you can do is play mind games to make your lover come running back to you at a moment’s notice. This may seem like a quick fix, but it will put a strain on your relationship. How? It can break your lover’s trust in you, and due to the quick results, you may repeat this trick to get their attention again and again whenever you feel like your partner’s paying too much attention to another person.

Friday 28 November 2014


Everyone who snoops finds what they were looking for. If you think your partner is cheating and you hack into his/her Facebook, you will find some random message with an old female(male) friend that you could probably construe as cheating somehow. Just don’t do it. Even if they accidentally left their e-mail open on your computer and you’re drooling to read through it.

Saturday 22 November 2014

Friday 21 November 2014

Early Stages of Relationships Advice

Every guy wants a girl comfortable in her own skin and body. Showing your insecurities will only turn a guy off or scare them away. This has a lot to do with self-improvement as well. Before you allow someone to love you, be sure to ask yourself if you love yourself. Insecurities are something you have to deal with internally before you bring another person into the picture. Do not be afraid to make the first move. Girls, it’s okay to be the first one to start a conversation with a guy, just be confident doing it.

Wednesday 19 November 2014


“I know what I did was wrong, but it won’t happen again.” Except, this is the third time they have said this. What are you doing? Why are you listening to the excuses? Stop giving them the time to explain themselves. If they really cared, they would have never treated you like crap in the first place. You ever think about that? If someone cared enough to not risk losing you, he or she wouldn’t continually make stupid decisions.

Think and think again.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

The Wife

About Wife:
When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her.
~By Lee Majors
After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin; they just can't face each other, but still they stay together.
~By Al Gore
By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.
~By Socrates
Woman inspires us to great things, and prevents us from achieving them.
~By Mike Tyson
The great question... which I have not been able to answer... is, "What does a woman want?
~By George Clooney
I had some words with my wife, and she had some paragraphs with me.
~By Bill Clinton
"Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays."
~By George W. Bush
"I don't worry about terrorism. I was married for two years."
~By Rudy Giuliani
"There's a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. It's called marriage."
~By Michael Jordan
"I've had bad luck with all my wives. The first one left me and the second one didn’t.” The third gave me more children!
~By Donald Trump
Two secrets to keep your marriage brimming
1. Whenever you're wrong, admit it,
2. Whenever you're right, shut up.
~By Shaquille O’Neal
The most effective way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once...
~By Kobe Bryant
You know what I did before I married? Anything I wanted to.
By David Hasselhoff
My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met.
~By Alec Baldwin
A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong.
~By Milton Berle
Marriage is the only war where one sleeps with the enemy.
~ByTommy Lee
A man inserted an 'ad' in the classifieds: "Wife wanted". Next day he received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: "You can have mine."
~By Brad Pitt
First Guy (proudly): "My wife's an angel!"
Second Guy : "You're lucky, mine's still alive."
~ ByJimmy Kimmel
“Honey, what happened to ‘ladies first’?” Husband replies, “That’s the reason why the world’s a mess today, because a lady went first!”
~By David Letterman
“First there’s the promise ring, then the engagement ring, then the wedding ring...soon after....comes Suffe!
~By Jay Leno

JUST FOR LAUGHs and some wisdom

Friday 24 October 2014


 One of the hardest but most important things you can do is try to stop overanalyzing every single thing your partner does and just learn to trust them one step at a time. Lengthen the leash and allow your partner to enjoy their own life even when you’re not around to watch over them. Keeping a "hawk watch" makes your partner insecure and uncomfortable.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Love when you’re ready not when you’re LONELY. 
The motive(s) behind your love always matter both on the short and long run. Believe it or not; wrong motives have lead many to troubles, emotional pains, physical/financial difficulties and even death!
This would also help you with the "type" of person you choose to end up with and give you reasons to fight for the relationship if/when it goes through hard times.
Most of all, its relationships that begin with good reasoning and bearings that actually lead somewhere in future and not heart breaks. 

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Relationships: Direction or Speed??

What matters isn't how long you've been in a relationship but whether or not you're in the 'right' relationship. 

Many single people are often overwhelmed by been single; and wouldn't mind been in a relationship with just anybody.

 You should wait till you find the right person. A wrong relationship can cause so much destruction to your life and wellness balance.

 Wrong relationship brings regrets and causes damage to your psychological and emotional being.

Desperation for "just any relationship" has even resulted in death - suicides and murders.
Please be wise.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Relationship: While Stressing "Change" to Your Partner

When you try changing someone you claim to love, be ready for any of these predisposed responses. The person would ask:
1. Why is there a need for me to change, I am doing perfectly fine!
2. Why should you ask me to change, can’t you accept me as I am? 
3. Why should I change and even if I have, why should I listen to you?
4. Oh! Do you think you are God! Even God cannot ask me that!
5. Why should I change if I am not convinced there is something wrong about it?
6. If I have to change, only I shall decide, no one has the right to judge me.
7. I am open to change but only for someone who first accepts me as I am.
8. I would change only for someone who loves me blindly.
9. I accept changes but it would be tough as I was made this way.
10. Give me time, I am a not good at it! Etc. 
You may think, if a person loves you, he or she should use nice language with you and should not be a boozer or a gambler. However, for that person, love is only an expression of his/her self and his/her “self” already accepts abuse and boozing as acceptable things for his or her living's wellness.
If you attempt to reason it out with him or her that if he/she loves you, he/she should stop abuse and booze, he/she would first of all look confused. He/she would not even understand why you are saying this. Because, he/she (his/her subconscious mind), does not see any contradiction and conflict in it. Most likely, he or she shall take your words of reasoning as a threat to the balance of his or her wellness and would likely to go away. Nobody can compromise with his or her long preserved balance.
Actually, this person loved you because you fitted in his or her larger scheme of balance and wellness. Now when you have put up ideas, which disturb his or her balance, his/her sense of wellness is threatened and compromised. He or she is likely to stop loving you, or shall be unsettled and erratic in his or her action-behavior.

Friday 1 August 2014

While waiting for love

While searching for the "right one" to love and be your partner, you should not hesitate to make a list of what you want with your partner and do not settle for less. You need to be very satisfied indeed before committing
and this is not a warning not to commit yourself long engagements.
A relationship like this would always lead somewhere and it is not just another love affair.
An example of a sensible list is
(1) intelligence,
(2) connection,
(3) personality,
(4) smart and
(5) sexy.
Usually, you’ll find more lovely things than you “humanly” wished for.
You need to understand that in life also you find different kinds of love. For instance, the love you have for your parents is very different way from the way you love your wife. And then there is soul mate love which is all encompassing and beyond description or understanding. It is just pure love and emotion combined with caring and desire for each other, for it is never platonic in any way shape or form.

Two genuine lovers are in constant amazement of each other and can hardly believe their luck that the other one is in love with them. They cannot even think they deserved the other one and thus treasure each other beyond words. There is really nothing on this earth or in eternity which will be able to keep them apart or break them up.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

You Should Correct your Prejudice Against LOVE before Dating

Many people have usable relationships because of a pre-existing prejudice against love. Relationships have little or no weight because they feel no one can be trusted due to an experience from a powerful figure. 
Suppose a girl is raised by her mother in a single parent family, where she unconsciously was made to accept many negative ideas about her estranged father. As she grows, she is likely to have this in her mind that men are not faithful and she always need to guard her individuality. Irrespective of what is the truth about her father or the fact about men, she has to enter a love relationship with a neutral mind, never a predisposed or “affected‟ mind. A pre-inclined mind shall hamper her relationship with her man. Therefore, she shall have to unlearn her “prejudices‟ before she opts to have her own love life.
This preparation and ultimate readiness is crucial for success in love. In love, unlearning is always a better virtue than learning.
There are two ways of arriving at a blank or value-neutral mind.
One is you are born with. This is good but not desirable as it is animalistic and does not have a sense of distinction between different other levels of consciousness. Its sense of righteousness is very intuitive, confined to very restrictive instinctive definition of survival.
The other is a mind, which has been made blank by shedding, unlearning and unwinding the mind off all unconsciously acquired cultural elements of the consciousness and this is desirable as this mind has reached this stage after experiencing all shades of consciousness and consciously choosing to have a blank one, which is truly objective.

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Smiles and Laughter's role in LOVE

When you smile at another person they will almost always return the smile, which causes positive feelings in both you and them, because of cause and effect. Studies prove that most encounters will run more smoothly, last longer, have more positive outcomes and dramatically improve relationships when you make a point of regularly smiling and laughing to the point where it becomes a habit.
Simply put, the more he can make her laugh, the more attractive she will find him. This is because the ability to make others laugh is perceived as a dominant trait and women prefer dominant males, while males prefer subordinate females.
Studies show that women lough at men they're attracted to, and men are attracted to women who laugh at them
Evidence shows conclusively that smiles and laughter build the immune system, defend the body against illness and disease, medicate the body, sell ideas, teach better, attract more friends and extend life.
Humour heals.

Thursday 10 July 2014

Hard Relationships can Survive

Relationships are not always rosy. You may have some bitter moons. There are several situations in relationship that you can’t even describe in writing. Relationships can be confusing at times.
Lots of relationships collapse during the harsh seasons of building a family. But most relationships that are meant to be and diligently guarded last. Not everyone gives up. Not every relationship splits. They are strong. I believe yours is (can be) too! Strong Relationships have ingredients.
Consistent Communication, Patience, Faithfulness, Selflessness, Cooperation, Forgiveness, Respect, Understanding and consideration, Gratefulness, Contentment, Positive thinking and anticipation for a coexisting future.
These among others make up a promising relationship. Now that you them, go have a take at happy relationship.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Your self-respect and what you post.

There is surely a relationship between how people relate with and how they perceive you esteem yourself. More often than not, the pictures you post, things you say and how you say things not forgetting the words you use all determine how people treat and relate to you.
For many people, they learn this or rather accept this life lesson years after they've refused to acknowledge the severity.
Education is a series of lessons with the greatest for the last...and life is the learning institution. When would you learn yours?

Tuesday 3 June 2014

The Cultured lady

“Hey lady!” This is the way every average woman wants to be addressed. The matured female population often want to be addressed and rightly treated by the opposite sex but how many are ready to do those things that will “command” the respect and conduct from them? These days, how many women are knowledgeable when it comes to simple etiquette?

Simple etiquette aren’t about good cloths and makeups, neither is it expensive bags and shoes. You may wear the most expensive designer and still be the object of mockery. You aren’t a lady because you have good cash in the bank to command undependability, neither can been married to the richest man in town do the magic.
Being a lady is more about your carriage; how you sit, walk, stand, talk, look, laugh, choice of dressing, respond to incidents, interact with others, and so on. Let’s have a closer look.
  • A lady does not fight or exchange words in public. It is so shameful when decently dressed ladies exchange words in public and, in some cases step into the madness of fighting.
  • A lady eats honorably in public gatherings; and doesn’t target the “over flows” at parties. You think people don’t see you but your name is all over the place and that has become your trade-mark. Men notice you and mark you as “anything for the belly…with money/food and I’ve got her”.
  • A lady knows how to fix breakfast, lunch, and dinner for family and friends; she spends less on restaurants. No matter how greatly the modern world is trying to change this…it remains a bitter truth.
  • A lady doesn’t go vulgar; she knows what not to say. Some women are now worse than hoodlums and thugs when it comes to the dirty words pouring out of their mouths. The senseless ways and words used in greeting…all in the name of informality. It doesn’t stop there, women now nickname themselves which plainly points them to be indecent ill-mannered females.
  • A lady doesn’t get involved in illegal transacts; either for association or money. Drugs, human trafficking, prostitution or call-girls aren’t for ladies…they are just disgrace to womanhood.
  • A lady cultures the best habits like brushing last thing at night as a must and gets her man to imbibe the tradition.
  • A lady dances, but never like a maniac or psychiatric patient. When it comes to alcohol or smoking…you know that’s a stretch.
  • A lady treats her body specially and so doesn’t open her legs to every Tom, Dick, and Harry. A lady never sells her body for better grades, contracts or employment opportunity.
  • A lady wipes gently, with wet wipes, her private part after urination. How many women know what it means to have wipes in their handbags? Most women now bother more about designer makeup but never about hygienic body care.
  • A lady dress and courteously flaunts her good curves without exposing what should be covered. She wears what accentuates her body and beauty without selling herself cheap.
  • A lady uses her makeup to enhance her beauty not look like a masquerade or appear like a work of art. A lady further knows better than to bleach.
  • A lady knows her weaves needs to be well kept and free from smelling so as not to suffocate her man.
  • A lady surely doesn’t wear dirty underwear. She prefers cotton for long days because they help her breath well and avoid smelling.
  • Lady and conspicuous tattoos don’t go together….not even in poetry. You don’t see tattoos on royals!
  • A lady doesn’t try to feign wealth…courtesy, cherished virtues and humility are her flaunted wealth. She’s never ashamed of her background and won’t change it to please men/society.
Long goes the traits of lady etiquette. Last line is…the feminine features on your body do not make you a lady…neither would you find an ill-mannered lady. The name lady is reserved for the well-mannered females.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Men and Infidelity

Falling in love is the most wonderful and exciting thing ever, but women are frequently afraid of falling in love with a man because of the worry “he might cheat on me down the line”. Indeed, a cheating boyfriend/husband is every woman’s worst nightmare. If infidelity is often at the back of your mind, it’s now considered okay to say you are not been paranoid. Why? Studies and surveys have shown over 50-60% of all married men have an affair at least once in their married lives. There’s good news you have 50% chance a man might not cheat you. But still, with a 50-50 chance of infidelity poisoning your relationship in the future calls you to alertness.
There are basically three reasons a man might cheat on you. Understanding those might help you.
He wasn’t ready: This reason for cheating is entirely the guy’s fault. There are a lot of men out there who think handing a relationship is a piece of cake. But when the rigours and responsibilities of a serious relationship comes flying in, they turn around and run. Here they run craving their bachelor-single-unattached-free life. Never rush into a relationship because it takes so much to keep it going.
He got bore or unhappy: If he got bored or unhappy in the relationship, the woman 'may' have played a part it that. After all, it is important you do your part in keeping the relationship happy. A happy relationship entails two happy partners. The problem here is most partners sit and wait for the other to make the first move before they do their part. Do your part whether he’s doing his or not. That way, you don’t have yourself to blame when issues go out of hand.
He succumbs to pressure: Let’s be honest here, the entertainment industry, society and friends suggest it is “ok” if not “cool” for guys to have affairs. By accepting it as a norm due to it frequency, this is how every single one of us echoes the same sentiment. Some guys can bow to pressure of cheating just to ‘fit in’. It is crazy but true. If we accept it, then we must accept the heart-breaking consequences when it happens to you, your sister, daughter or friend. Speaking of pressure, the pouring pressure of relationship/marriage on a man can also lead to infidelity.
For unmarried folks, examine a typical case that occurs 7 in 10 chances. Within two weeks of the first date, they’re already going steady. Before the first month, they “sleep together”. Then just few months later, during the relationship, they start getting bored and unhappy, feeling stressed and later its bores down to venting frustrations at each other. Before you know it, they separate ways. Those that get married few months right after the “sleeping together” phase start witness fades in initial attraction and excitement…they also start feeling bored, unhappy, entrapped and that leads to arguments, disagreements, fights and eventually separate ways.
Lack of preparedness, boredom, dissatisfaction, peer pressure can be avoided by simply building your relationship on solid foundation. Then you are likely safe from infidelity. Remember the work of “relationship preservation” is continuous.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

A Lady's Self-Discovery

Self-discovery is important for every young lady. It is self-discovery that makes you know what is good for you and what is not. Until you discover who you are, what works for you, who you what to be and how you wish your future pans out, you are still a “baby” irrespective of your age or displayed feminine features.
If you are yet to discover yourself, how do you know the man who genuinely deserves you? Discovering yourself would make you appreciate and cherish the “you” in you as a woman more than ever.
This surely isn't to make you pompous or unruly but make decisions that propel you to a better future and project you as a respectable woman.
***No man messes around with a woman who has discovered herself; for she is as a perceptive lioness. Patient, quick, smart, logical, intellectual, disciplined and always a beauty***

Thursday 15 May 2014

Genevieve Nnaji's Explanation for been single..

If we may, let's take a cue from Genevieve Nnaji who is yet to get married and explains what her
“As for marriage, it’s every woman’s dream to get married. We can’t lie to ourselves. I do want to get married but overtime I have had opportunities to get married but I realize getting married is not actually the problem. The problem is finding someone you are compatible with because I’m born Catholic, I’m raised Catholic, I don’t believe in divorce. If I get married, I really want to stay married and staying married is not an easy thing. It means you are completely in tune with your partner. It means you’ve found your soul mate because you’ll have to be able to stand a lot of disappointments that would definitely come but then again you have to learn to forgive.

For me, before I choose a partner I have to ask myself if this is the kind of person I would be willing to forgive no matter what when the time comes. If the answer is no, then that person is wrong for me. That person is not the person you want to get married to. If you know you can look into someone’s eyes and say yes, this is the most you can do to me. If you actually cheat on me the first time, I can find it in my heart to forgive you. If you can answer that question honestly and truthfully to yourself then you’ll know if that person is your partner or not. So compatibility is the word aside from the physical attributes that have to go with it.

I need to be comfortable because I’m a woman and I’m used to a certain lifestyle.
criteria are for choosing her right partner, She said:

Tuesday 13 May 2014


Suspicion creates a form of doubt and negative image of the person that is suspected. It breeds worry and fear even if it lack an element of truth. When you become suspicious, it will affect the trust level of your relationship. Suspicions suck out the life and fun in a relationship. Many people have been wrongly blamed just because a previous suspicious act was not properly discussed. Don't create an avenue to be suspected rather discuss any issues that can lead to suspicion. Be open in discussion and avoid secrecy. It's that simple.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

DO NOT dwell on RESIDUAL knowledge

A lot of us usually believe we have what it takes to handle our relationship in terms of knowledge and wisdom. But we often dwell on our residual knowledge and this will not help us. For us to experience bliss in our relationship, we have carefully outline this mistake in order to avoid it. We need more experiences and ideas from people who have practical and proven knowledge about relationships. Read books, attend seminars and listen to educative programs. This will equip you with the knowledge to handle your relationship.
Ask questions ...yes. But from reliable people and endeavor to provide the full context so your advisor would fully comprehend the situation.  


Tuesday 6 May 2014

NEVER live a FALSE life

Many people live less than their true self by trying to be the perfect picture in other's frame just to please them. This will make them function less than their original self and regret it on the long run. A question to pounder on is "till when do you plan to keep up the lie"? Some lie about their finances, abilities and/or personality. This charade is purely dangerous and leads to a disastrous end emotionally and psychologically.  
Try to be yourself and live your best. It is better that you are accepted the way you are than to be accepted for who you are not. Don't make the mistake of living a false life, it shows you lack originality and stability.

Friday 2 May 2014

Money in relationships

It is no secret that money has been the doom of many relationships. As the holy Bible says, “For the love of money is the root of all evil...” and another portion says “money answereth all things”.
Contradicting?? I doubt. Whether married or in a long-term relationship, improper handling or spending of money in a relationship has been the source of many arguments and conflicts of various gravity and inadequacy has robbed many relationship of fun and adventure in some cases or infliction of more problems in others.

Love is greater than money – at least that’s the way it should be. The mechanics of a healthy relationship should of course be love and passion, honesty and acceptance, communication and openness, friendship and attraction, compatibility and selflessness, faithfulness and respect, trust and the other good qualities you’re most likely listing in your mind as you read this. If we are both right, how come money had and has an extensive grip on most relationships?
The power and influence of money really transcends human’s primary conscious psychology. I mean we make many if not most actions with knowing it’s the money commanding and most times, the way we talk; our choice of words and manner of speaking is influenced.
Money doesn’t have to be the relationship wrecker if only we could
·         Freely talk about money
·         Handle money
·         Have right attitude towards money
·         And use money properly like it should be instead of it manipulating us.
For many, money creates fear, dishonesty and some other misbehavior because of how volatile it is.
Simple things can cause the biggest problems. Like?
1. Living above your earning isn’t a wise way to exist. It is necessary to be honest with yourself and then your partner/finance instead of been unrealistic...faking lifestyles. Never hide your debt because they might surface in the future of your relationship and look much uglier that when you made them.
2. Never attempt to get love with money. It cannot be overstated that money is volatile. If ever you make money the basis of your relationship, what would you do when it "goes"? Are you thinking now?
Yes money is important and can be used to express love. Ensure whoever wants you loves you for "YOU" and not basically because of your money.
Talking about money should be carefully approached and respectfully concluded.
Usually in a relationship, there is "plenty saver" and the "heavy spender". It isn’t wrong. However, when your partner overspends beyond your comfort level, it most definitely would scare you that you are gradually been dragged to a “breaking point”. This is when a sit down and re-evaluation is important.

Wednesday 30 April 2014

AVOID playing the BLAME GAME

Blame does no good to a relationship or one's partner other than frustrate life out of them.
When you blame your partner, it shows that you are shelving your responsibility off you. More often than not, "passing the blame" game often lead to the development of a negative skill called nagging. Do not mistake "blaming" for "heated discussion" or "pouring out your heart as it is"!  Also, have it at the back of your mind that blames destroy relationships in bits. After the damage is done, you'll find it hard to believe the "blame game" did that much.
Be courageous and bold enough to be responsible for your actions. Also, rather than blame, mutually discuss any issues that can affect your partner or the relationship.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

AVOID CHEATING on your partner

Are you considering unfaithfulness towards your partner? The answer is DON'T! Don't think about it, don't plan it...if possible, don't even joke about it. Cheating is commonly referred to as the act of betrayal or unfaithfulness towards your partner. Usually when you devote the emotional and physical intimacy meant for the person you are dating to another person, then its considered cheating. If any of the partners in a relationship were sincerely devoted to the relationship, none would allow the concept of cheating. Not for any reason.
Cheating destroys you psychologically without you knowing it. It makes you feel you can get away with it playing "emotional smartness" and have "options" but on the long run, you become addicted to it and hardly would be able to save yourself.
Just don’t think about cheating if you really want something from that relationship.

Thursday 24 April 2014

NEVER make a PROMISE you cannot fulfill

Don't promise what you can't bring to eventuality. Only say what is within your limit. As people seek to be loved or accepted in a relationship, they often tend to magnify their capacities. This is utterly wrong. You do not need to make false promises to people for the sakes of having their approval. This will only make your partner see you as a dishonest person and or feel unworthy with you.
In a bid to be accepted, do what you can do and promise what you can fulfil. Be it little, its better and you would be seen as a man/lady of your words in all aspects of the relationship.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Never expect EVERYTHING from your relationship

Failure to meet your expectations could bring about disappointments. A lot of people usually expect their partner to satisfy all their needs. For instance, your partner cannot give you joy no matter how caring or affectionate they might be. If your joy is not from the inside, no one else can make you joyful. Don't make your expectations "too" high. They are human and cannot meet all. But when you have fairly normal expectations, you won't have much of heartache or emotional trauma.
Remember, moral standard and high expectations are two very different things. You should compromise your moral standards because of a relationship. Tons of people that have done that regretted it on the long run. 

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Communicate your FEELINGS.

Don't assume your partner would know how you feel. Many people think their partner should know how they feel, what they are thinking of and their mood. However, this usually does not work as we think. Unless you're dating a mind reader, you really should not make that assumption. You need to find the right avenue to discuss how you feel. Assumptions do not solve issues it... only compound problems.

Monday 21 April 2014

Don't do it alone, INVOLVE GOD

If you really want that relationship to last longest, you need to go spiritual on it. It is believed that a threefold cord is not easily broken. Who you share intimacy with in your relationship determines the strength of your relationship. Most of us involve friends, parent or colleagues in our relationship but their contribution usually affects us negatively. When you involve God in the affairs of your relationship, He will give you the strength and wisdom to handle any issues. Don't believe you can do it successfully without God.


Thursday 17 April 2014

Note To The Broken Hearted

Relationships go bad, people betray trust, some partners become unfaithful and occasionally, genuine love seem impossible to find.
On a brighter note, however hard and whatever turn life seem to have taken, remember life is seasonal. Everything is in constant change, nothing stays bad or good forever, it just constantly evolves & changes. Your pain won't be forever, your heart won't ache till you age, you won't be alone till you die...No.
The future seems so far away because time goes by so slowly. If you are faced with a breakup and you don't seem to be able to work it out, do not despair. The person isn't just the right one for you. Someone shouldn't need to be faced with your absence  to value your presence in his/her life. At such a time, the greatest pleasure in your life is doing what that Ex thought or said you couldn't do without him/her. The next best objective in your life should be to live an awesome life that ex would envy. Be happy and radiant.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

10 Worst Feelings in a Relationship

Cheated on: Been unfaithful to is a common practice but the adverse effects emotionally and psychologically are still very pronounced. Been cheated on makes some people feel like they've been fooled, wrongly lead on. Others might feel they are at fault and didn't do enough of what's expected from a partner. Most times in this world we live in, it usually the fault of the unfaithful partner.
Over thinking: Many unexplained actions have lead to over thinking which makes many misread actions or words. Overthinking pops up when communication is poor between two partners. Over thinking must be reduced at all cost through the use of proper, respectful and frequent communication to convey thoughts, plans and incidents.
Lied to: Lies hurt too bad especially when they come from someone that is loved and respected. Many people are of the opinion you have to lie to a person you love because you love them too much to hurt them. Whatever would make you lie to your partner in the first place would most likely be something wrong. Instead of lying, identify the situation that'll make you lie and avoid it.
Heart broken: Been heart broken is an eventually pain from originates from cheating, lies, unfaithfulness and disappointment. Whenever you are in a heart broken situation, all you need remember is that broken hearts do mend...with time. 
Not cared for: After giving your heart, time, love and expectations to someone, feeling uncared for could really hurt. Love at a point needs to be reciprocal, and if this isn't the case in a relationship, the uncared for partner sees a hole in the context of the been shown. 
Losing: After its all done on you that you have lost the person you love either before or after a breakup, there is a traumatic effect you brain feels and it causes much of pain. Feeling of losing might be coming from loss of respect, attention and other relationship essentials.
Scared: Be scared isn't a positive feeling in a relationship. When there are problems in a relationship so much that a partner gets scared, the future of that relationship isn't looking good.
Led on: Feeling of pain due to loss of respect, self-esteem and affection after it become clear you're just been led on and the person didn't truly love you is psychological painful. It is much better to be very clear about a relationship just so you'll be on the same page with your partner.
Nervous: "Shaky" moments hit us all in life. The worst of this is when you get nervous with someone you actually love and care about when it comes to some specific issues.
Letting go: This is the crown of the painful feeling. However, for what its worth, you'll get over it.

Tuesday 15 April 2014


Remember, as you acquire more experiences, you're to incorporate the lessons from those experiences to the decisions you make in life. Each decision taken all the time we live eventually makes up the direction our life turns.

Experiences in life are like data in science. Proper use brings great progress.

Monday 14 April 2014

Trust - Relationship Problem and Solutions That Can Save Your Relationship

Trust is a key part of a relationship. Do you see certain things that cause you not to trust your partner? Or do you have unresolved issues that prevent you from trusting others?
Problem-solving strategies
  • First, be realistic. Thinking your mate will meet all your needs -- and will be able to figure them out without your asking -- is a Hollywood fantasy. "Ask for what you need directly”.
  • Next, use humour -- learn to let things go and enjoy one another more.
  • You and your partner can develop trust in each other by following these tips.
  • Be consistent.
  • Be on time.
  • Do what you say you will do.
  • Don't lie -- not even little white lies to your partner or to others.
  • Be fair, even in an argument.
  • Be sensitive to the other's feelings. You can still disagree, but don't discount how your partner is feeling.
  • Call when you say you will.
  • Call to say you'll be home late.
  • Carry your fair share of the workload.
  • Don't overreact when things go wrong.
  • Never say things you can't take back.
  • Don't dig up old wounds.
  • Respect your partner's boundaries.
  • Dont be jealous.
  • Be a good listener.
  • Even though there are always going to be problems in a relationship, you both can do things to minimize marriage problems, if not avoid them altogether.

Finally, be willing to work on your relationship and to truly look at what needs to be done. Don't think that things would be better with someone else. Unless you address problems, the same lack of skills that get in the way now will still be there and still cause problems no matter what relationship you're in.