Tuesday 20 May 2014

A Lady's Self-Discovery

Self-discovery is important for every young lady. It is self-discovery that makes you know what is good for you and what is not. Until you discover who you are, what works for you, who you what to be and how you wish your future pans out, you are still a “baby” irrespective of your age or displayed feminine features.
If you are yet to discover yourself, how do you know the man who genuinely deserves you? Discovering yourself would make you appreciate and cherish the “you” in you as a woman more than ever.
This surely isn't to make you pompous or unruly but make decisions that propel you to a better future and project you as a respectable woman.
***No man messes around with a woman who has discovered herself; for she is as a perceptive lioness. Patient, quick, smart, logical, intellectual, disciplined and always a beauty***

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