Wednesday, 23 July 2014

You Should Correct your Prejudice Against LOVE before Dating

Many people have usable relationships because of a pre-existing prejudice against love. Relationships have little or no weight because they feel no one can be trusted due to an experience from a powerful figure. 
Suppose a girl is raised by her mother in a single parent family, where she unconsciously was made to accept many negative ideas about her estranged father. As she grows, she is likely to have this in her mind that men are not faithful and she always need to guard her individuality. Irrespective of what is the truth about her father or the fact about men, she has to enter a love relationship with a neutral mind, never a predisposed or “affected‟ mind. A pre-inclined mind shall hamper her relationship with her man. Therefore, she shall have to unlearn her “prejudices‟ before she opts to have her own love life.
This preparation and ultimate readiness is crucial for success in love. In love, unlearning is always a better virtue than learning.
There are two ways of arriving at a blank or value-neutral mind.
One is you are born with. This is good but not desirable as it is animalistic and does not have a sense of distinction between different other levels of consciousness. Its sense of righteousness is very intuitive, confined to very restrictive instinctive definition of survival.
The other is a mind, which has been made blank by shedding, unlearning and unwinding the mind off all unconsciously acquired cultural elements of the consciousness and this is desirable as this mind has reached this stage after experiencing all shades of consciousness and consciously choosing to have a blank one, which is truly objective.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Smiles and Laughter's role in LOVE

When you smile at another person they will almost always return the smile, which causes positive feelings in both you and them, because of cause and effect. Studies prove that most encounters will run more smoothly, last longer, have more positive outcomes and dramatically improve relationships when you make a point of regularly smiling and laughing to the point where it becomes a habit.
Simply put, the more he can make her laugh, the more attractive she will find him. This is because the ability to make others laugh is perceived as a dominant trait and women prefer dominant males, while males prefer subordinate females.
Studies show that women lough at men they're attracted to, and men are attracted to women who laugh at them
Evidence shows conclusively that smiles and laughter build the immune system, defend the body against illness and disease, medicate the body, sell ideas, teach better, attract more friends and extend life.
Humour heals.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Hard Relationships can Survive

Relationships are not always rosy. You may have some bitter moons. There are several situations in relationship that you can’t even describe in writing. Relationships can be confusing at times.
Lots of relationships collapse during the harsh seasons of building a family. But most relationships that are meant to be and diligently guarded last. Not everyone gives up. Not every relationship splits. They are strong. I believe yours is (can be) too! Strong Relationships have ingredients.
Consistent Communication, Patience, Faithfulness, Selflessness, Cooperation, Forgiveness, Respect, Understanding and consideration, Gratefulness, Contentment, Positive thinking and anticipation for a coexisting future.
These among others make up a promising relationship. Now that you them, go have a take at happy relationship.